Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Part Three

Nothing worth doing is ever easy; if it were then it wouldn’t be worth doing, would it? Now comes the hard part. We have to change the face of government in order to bring it up into the 21st Century.
For some unknown reason, I believe that George Washington actually foresaw what might be in this country’s future. By that, I mean what is happening now, this quickening slide toward Socialism. I believe that is the reason he was against political parties. Somehow he knew that these organizations would eventually undermine what the writers of the Constitution actually had in mind. I believe he knew that in order for his fledgling country to survive it would have to expand, but I do not think even he knew just how much it would expand over the North American land mass. The political system that our forefathers invented was actually perfect for a country the size of the original thirteen small states. But now we have slightly outgrown that system, therefore we have to alter its face ever so slightly, being ever so careful so as to not destroy what was originally built. Yes, this is the hard part. Not only to do, but to understand why and how.
Some time ago those in Congress decided to make our Senate an elected body. That was not what our founders intended, for that brought that branch into the political party fold. We must return that body to what the founding fathers intended for the Senators, two from each state, to be appointed by that states governor. However, the method of appointment needs to be altered slightly. A governor may appoint only ONE senator during his/her term in office. The length of that term and the limit to be re-appointed is up to that states voters to decide. I believe that this move would effectively distance that branch from the other branches to the extent that it would be lent better to the system of checks and balances. Along with the abolishment of political parties, returning the control of Senators to the individual states can only be a plus factor in bringing the employees (politicians) more under the positive control of the employers (We The People). A task easier said than done.
Then we must change the Judicial Branch of government ever so slightly. This will be even more difficult. Right now the Supreme Court Justices and all Federal level judges are appointed by the President of the United States, and their term is for as long as they want to serve or until they die – whichever comes first(sounds like a used car warranty, doesn't it?). I believe that this practice brings the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch too close in alignment. The original idea was for the three branches to be separate in order for the check and balance system to work more effectively. Being so closely related politically along with party affiliations has made this practice render this branch not only ineffective, but way too politically connected to party lines. Justice is supposed to be blind. She cannot be if she is “Married to the Mob” so to speak. Federal Judges, including United States Supreme Court Justices, need to be subject to the election process in which the voting public will be able to scrutinize the candidates’ judicial record from the time they passed the bar. Then there must be term limitations imposed, of say not more than five or seven years each.
Doing these things would insure a fair amount of separation between the branches of government, and that would give better credence to the check and balance system our forefathers envisioned when they wrote the constitution so many years ago.
There is much more, and it does not get any easier to swallow.
See you tomorrow.


Mad Mom said...

As I watch the AIG debacle unfold on tv, your points semm even more prescient. It's nothing but a bloody den of thieves with the Senate, the Congress, The Fed, the Treasury, the White House and AIG all equally at fault in destroying this country. I am sick. It is time for not just a little change in how things work in government. It's time for a complete overhaul. When will the clueless minions realize what is going on in front of their very eyes? Do they even care?

G.A.Rowe said...

This isn't something entirely new, Mad Mom, this has been in the works since before Obama was born. He has been groomed all of his life to be the one to bring this country, kicking and screaming, directly into Communism.

I have contacted my states politicians and demanded that they start looking into an impeachment investigation, and I suggest that EVERYBODY who reads this do the same.

Black Flag said...

Now that I know where you live .... :)

Systemic changes are impossible to this system.

You are advocating reversing 150 years of judicial and legislative procedure and policy - whose core design was to implement a system to prevent the very grassroots initiatives you propose.

You have the energy of Hercules, no doubt. If I may be bold to advise, focus that energy into local politics. It still maybe possible to retain some chain and lock on the power of local politicians, and this is also were the recovery of any political system will also arise after the collapse.

But State and Federal politics? Hopeless.

G.A.Rowe said...


No one man can make a difference, yet the ideas of one man can take root and spread to the majority.

What I am doing here is putting forth an idea, nothing more.

Huge changes in the political face of our government will not happen overnight, it took a very long and concentrated effort by the Communist/Socialist movements in this world to get us where we are today.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. Stay tuned for the rest of the story - after part five.

esomhillgazette said...

good post Rowe.