Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Journey From There To Here


Everyone I talk to all ask the same question; “How did we get here?”

We got here by our own volition – aka APATHY!

Meaning that “We The People” just became indifferent to the world of our own government around us. “We The People” just ignored our government, “We The People” just let government loose to take care of and run itself – you know, you have heard the words before; “Let it run on autopilot.”

Yet we just don’t know how we let government loose, we have all of a sudden discovered that we are now under governments thumb and we don’t like the feeling. If we don’t know the how then we can’t know how to fix it. And fix it we must, before it becomes so broken we are completely lost to all eternity.

Here is how it happened. “We The People” began to believe that since we had the Bill Of Rights in our Constitution, then Government would run itself without our help. After all, we were the only country with a bill of rights. With the bill of rights in place nothing bad could happen to us. We were protected.

Then after WW2 we were told that with our freedom of the press, and that new thing that was all the rage – Television – no one like Adolf Hitler could ever take power in our country. We were thrice protected by the bill of rights, freedom of the press and television so we never had to worry about anything. We were protected.

Even though Joseph Stalin had a death grip on the Soviet Union with his Iron Curtain and Mao Tse Tung had the Bamboo Curtain wrapped ever so tightly around China, we did not have to worry because that was their problem. We were protected.

Then when Fidel Castro grabbed Cuba by the short hairs, we did not have to worry because that was not our problem. We were protected.

However when Camelot came crashing down with the sound of three distinct gunshots destroying our quiet Friday in Dallas, suddenly we felt naked and unprotected! We screamed for our government to protect us, to keep us from the resident evil that had somehow rose up and destroyed our comfort and happiness. So government did as “We The People” bid it. Government said evil was in Southeast Asia and we needed to send our military there to chase evil back to China. Government didn’t tell us the truth, but we wanted to feel protected again so we ignored the lies of government.

Then government told us that we needed to legalize abortions so that a woman could have the right to choose to have or have not a baby, that abortion was not lowering our reverence for the sanctity of life but raising it instead. We wanted to feel protected and have freedom, so we believed that lie as well.

Then government told us that we needed to ban certain guns, to do so would not infringe the second amendment in our bill of rights. So we ignored another lie from our government because we wanted to feel protected again.

Then our government told us that we needed to pay those who were less fortunate than we a stipend called welfare because if we didn’t we would be stingy and mean, and we didn’t want to be that so we believed that lie from our government instead of helping those less fortunate find work.

How did we get from there to here? We got here by believing the lies that our government told us because we fell into the trap of feeling insecure and unprotected when Camelot crashed to the ground that nice sunny Friday in Dallas.

We believed the lie that it was not going to lessen our belief in the sanctity of life by killing the unborn for no other reason than a woman did not want to have the baby she was carrying, even though we now have so many ways to prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

We believed the lie that gun control laws do not infringe upon our right to own and bear firearms, even though the meaning of the word infringe was actually trashed in the fog of those laws.

We got here by believing the lies that were told to us by those in government who did not and do not have our best interests in mind – only their own insatiable greed for power and money.

Really, you ask? If you choose not to believe me – and there is no reason that you should believe me – answer this question;

If Jose cannot earn enough money to feed and house and clothe his family south of the border, then where is he going to get the $1,500.00 to $3,000.00 per person to pay Wiley Coyote to sneak him north of the border?

Answer; by agreeing to carry Pedro the drug dealer’s drugs across the border for him, that’s where!

Which of course brings up another question; If our government is willing to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to give to wall street fat cats, but balks at five hundred million dollars to secure our southern borders to prevent illegal aliens from sneaking into this country . . . . . Who else is Pedro the drug dealer paying?

Just how much longer are “We The People” going to accept the continuous stream of lies that those in government are feeding us?

Do those lies make you feel protected? Do they make you feel secure?

Here is one last question you need to answer; during his campaign for the Presidency, our currant President stated more than once that he believed that this nation was the greatest nation on earth and that he wanted our help in assisting him to change it.

If this is the greatest nation on earth, then why change it?

We got here by believing those lies.

Now just when will “We The People” stop believing those lies and return to the responsibility of managing our government as our forefathers meant us to do?

1 comment:

esomhillgazette said...

The lies will never end, but that doesn't mean we have to keep listening to them. Time to make a stand.