Thursday, June 18, 2009

United States Of America . . . A.K.A. DOGPATCH!


Does anyone remember a famous man named Alfred Gerald Caplin?


Perhaps you remember what it was he created, the little community known as Dogpatch and its many memorable characters – Mainly one young man named Li’l Abner.

Alfred Gerald Caplin was known more by his artistic name of Al Capp, the creator of the Li’l Abner comic strip character of who I was a fan during my formative years way back in the late Forties and early Fifties of the 20th Century.

Mr. Capp created many characters in that cartoon strip, one of them I remember very well. He was an imposing figure and was known as General Bullmoose. I also remember that characters most famous saying – “What’s good for General Bullmoose is good for the U.S.A.”

I recently looked up information on that character and I have discovered that the name came from an American Auto Industry giant whose former CEO had become President Eisenhower’s Secretary of defense. That Auto Industry giant was none other than General Motors, and what that former CEO had once said went something like this (I can’t remember exactly the words) “If it is good for General Motors, then it must be good for America.”

I take it that Mr. Capp didn’t like General Motors or its former CEO and maybe that is what spawned the idea of the General Bullmoose character and his favorite saying.

Okay, enough of the history lesson, now back to our 21st Century year of 2009.

President Obama has engineered the Government takeover of General Motors, Chrysler, and several financial institutions – Moves that I believe are not only unconstitutional, but they are Impeachable acts. More on that in another post at a later date.

All these shady goings on up there in Washington DC have got me to thinking that perhaps good ol’ Dogpatch has metastasized itself into the entire United States of America with President Barack Hussein Obama as none other than General Bullmoose himself!

After all, as I remember the citizens of Dogpatch had nary two pennies to rub together, and with the President and the Congress seemingly intent on spending the U.S. into a third world country, it looks like we might as well be citizens of Dogpatch.

I mean that town had a politician that was as useless as teats on a boar hog, a town hero known for his running away from the enemy, a shifty character named Evil Eye who could destroy anything in sight, and they all drank a concoction called Kickapoo Joy Juice that was sure to knock your socks off and get you caught on Sadie Hawkins Day!

Does any of this sound familiar, Mr. & Mrs. John Q. American? Do you see what we are being turned into by this bunch of nutcases we have elected to run our once great country? Do you?

Beware! Sadie Hawkins Day is just around the corner!


esomhillgazette said...

I can sure as hell see it. If you have seen my posts on SUFA lately, they have become more and more pessimistic and vitriolic as time goes by.

I am without doubt becoming more and more disgusted with the way the Government continues to disregard the public wants while continuing their personal agenda of bigger and bigger and continue to spend us into oblivion.

God help us all Rowe. These bureaucrats are destroying our Country and most of the people here are too brain dead to see it coming.

Mad Mom said...

Essom and GA,

I'm with you. Why can't people see what is happening? Even my own husband, who is conservative, does not see the dangers we face and the damage that is being inflicted upon on country. He seems to have a "this too shall pass" attitude despite my continuous protestations and examples of how this time things are different, that we have entered unprecidented territory. If it takes this much effort to convince a smart, conservative leaning guy, how on earth will the mindless minions EVER be convinced before it is just too late? All I am left with is an eery sense of dread for the future. So I plunge ahead, focusing on what I can do hear and now and don't think about the fact that it may all be for naught.

Mad Mom said...

Sorry for the horrible spelling in my previos post- it is late and I am tired!