Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chip, Chip, Chip . . . Nudge, Nudge, Nudge . . . The Dismantling of The United States Of America . . .

Do you know how it is being done?

Do you even know who is doing it?

This last week on the cable TV channels here at the RV Park where we are staying there were two programs that ran in Prime Time.  These programs were named “The crumbling of America” and “Racism in America, a story of hatred” . . .

Both programs portrayed the United States as decadent and racist.  I must admit to all of you that I did not watch the entire program of either one.  Why? I felt my anger rising to the boiling point after just the first few minutes of each one of them and I just turned them off.

Needless to say, I am very proud of what my country represents, especially since I have personally observed how people in other countries are treated by their respective governments.  We have come a very long way since this country was founded, and I do not like the direction where the currant group of politicians are now taking this once great country.

Over the span of my short life I have watched certain things that were once considered basic liberties being removed from us, little bit by little bit.  Only recently have I been able to see just who is behind it all, but I still do not have a case that I could take to court.

During the last few Presidential campaigns I have begun to notice that the mainstream news media (MSM) have been favoring only one type of political candidate over all others.  And what is worse is that they have lied about who actually supports those candidates and how much support they are given.  Only the candidates who advocate much more governmental control and higher taxes are recognized by the MSM far over anyone else, regardless of what the consensus of public opinion may be.  That was so glaringly evident during this last election I am surprised that no one else noticed.

On the Republican side, McCain was favored over Duncan Hunter even though Hunter was a very strong National Security advocate who wanted to seal our borders and round up all the illegal aliens and send them back to where they came from.  McCain does not want to seal our borders, nor return illegals to their own countries.  Not a good thing security wise, yet McCain drew the MSM support for his party over all others.

On the Democrat side, Obama drew the MSM support at the end over Hillary Clinton for no other reason than he advocated much more of governmental controls over the population than she did.

Way back when Goldwater was running against LBJ, the MSM portrayed Goldwater as a war monger who would send us into WW3 in a heartbeat and LBJ as the peace lover type.  After he was elected, LBJ took us headlong into Viet Nam with the MSM’s blessings.

Do you see the trend here?

Over the years I have seen the MSM push for things like abortion by reporting on just the evils of illegal abortions and not telling the entire truth that on the whole picture illegal abortions were seldom performed on a national scale, but they got it pushed through anyway.

Then they began chipping away at our children and their parents by advocating “an even playing field in the school grading system” and campaigning to have parents arrested for punishing their children.

By taking away the parental tools you separate parents from children and put the children under more governmental control and less under the parents control.  By leveling the grading system in the children's education you remove the drive for competition from the student thereby making that individual more susceptible to even more governmental controls.

Removing the right to own and bear firearms with more and more restrictive gun controls by blaming all crime on firearm owners, you remove the sense of personal responsibility and the ability to protect and provide for ones self and ones family thereby making that individual more and more dependant upon the government for personal protection.

Now the MSM is advocating for “free” governmental health care, completing the dependency from cradle to the grave.  Yes, that is right, with governmental health care the government will eventually decide when your life is no longer worth living.

Don’t believe me?

Just look at the past and see for yourself just who controls your MSM and what the MSM has advocated over the past one hundred years.

I don’t know about you, but I for one do not like what our so-called “free” press is advocating.  I do not like the way that the MSM has been ignoring the great majority of the population, nor how it is ignoring the reality of the lying so-called scientists who have pushed the very convenient lie about global climate change – notice how the MSM changed that from the late 1960’s global cooling to the 1980’s global warming to now it is global climate change? – and for the implementation of the cap & trade rules and regulations.

For decades the MSM has been touting the evils of gun ownership by listing how many people die each year from firearms while ignoring the fact that almost ten times that many die from automobile wrecks.  While pushing for more and more gun regulations and bans, the MSM has ignored the fact that criminals just do not care about gun laws and will obtain a gun any way they can.  Murderers kill with whatever they can and not just guns, yet gun deaths are championed by every law enforcement reality TV shows like “The First 48” and “Crime 360” while ignoring all other forms that murderers use.

This trend to shape public opinion has been going on since I was a child of four years old.  That is right, I was reading newspaper stories at the age of four when I first learned to read.  The newspaper was for a very long time my only form of entertainment as we did not have a radio (that was before TV’s were affordable and popular).

I ask the reader to please do the research and find out for yourself.  I used to inhabit library’s on a weekly basis and I now use this wonderful communicative tool called the Internet to do my research on.  I do not list the web sites on purpose as I want the reader to explore on his/her own and see what else they can find.  I want the reader to think for yourself, so please do not take my word for this – get out there and find out for your self.

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