Today I watched all six “episodes” of the “Star Wars” saga.
Chillingly, it reminded me of what is happening today in this once great country of ours. It had all the earmarks of how Obummer and his Marxist cronies are seizing power over a once free nation where Liberty was first and foremost. While claiming to protect the people from emerging dangers, the soon to be emperor secretly built an enormous army of loyal clones while the people relied on a small force of jedi Knights to hold the Alliance together . . . Then he sent his knights into a battle which outcome was preplanned to reduce their numbers even more.
Today, right here on Planet Earth, we hear Obummer and his minions cry out about one “emergency” after another. We hear him talk about how we must raise our national debt to a level that can never be brought down and back under control just to provide “health care” for a few folks who either do not want to purchase their own insurance or just do not believe that they will need health insurance right now. We have heard him say that he needs a civilian “security force” that is just as big and well equipped as our military forces. Yet he and congress have yet to secure our borders.
Just makes me kind of wonder.
Why can’t we see the forest for the trees?