Sunday, December 27, 2009

From our past – When a real wise man spoke! Would someone PLEASE get this to our currant batch of DC idiots!?!



To the



JANUARY 14, 1953


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Tonight I would like to talk with you about engineers and their significance to our economic and social structures.

My dictionary defines engineering as “the art and science by which the properties of matter and the sources of power in nature are made useful to man in structures, and manufactured products.”

We engineers have learned that our unceasing efforts to perfect this art and science are essential for the improvement of our material standards of living. And I believe that we may, with due modesty, point with pride to our professional achievements.

However, my purpose tonight is not to give an accounting of the good works of scientific engineers. For I believe that we should now be more concerned with a “pseudo-engineering” that is developing to an alarming extent among us – a kind of engineering which is quite different from that “science by which the properties of matter are made useful to man.” I refer to the profession of “social engineering”, whose practitioners are known as “social engineers”.


These social engineers – who appear to be more numerous and, at the moment, far more powerful, than we scientific engineers – are dedicated to the thesis that, by using the force of government, mankind in the mass can be changed and molded to conform to a master plan, in much the same way that engineering materials can be processed in accordance with preconceived designs.

We scientific engineers have the unchanging laws of chemistry, physics, and the other natural sciences to guide our efforts. By means of those laws, when we come to understand them, we can predict the behavior of the materials and forces of nature. But the social engineers either know nothing of nature’s immutable laws, or choose to ignore them. Instead, they have their man-made and variable laws of compulsions, prohibitions, and other restrictions on the free actions of individuals. By means of these, they claim, they can compel the behavior of men in a manner that will redound to the good of mankind.

We scientific engineers recognize that the materials we use and the laws we follow come from the Creator – a Power of which man himself is but an infinitesimal manifestation – and that these materials may be used and these laws observed to the advantage of mankind. The “raw material” used by the social engineers is all of mankind itself – and the laws and rules which they follow some from no source other than their desire to remold humanity in their chosen images. Scientific engineers process their raw materials to create products for the service of mankind. Social engineers use their raw material – human beings – to create products designed to serve and please their own fancy – and frequently to satisfy their craving for personal power. And often they do this by appealing to the baser traits of man – laziness, greed, selfishness and irresponsibility.


We scientific engineers do extensive planning and experimenting. We construct models in order to obtain date with which to predict the behavior of the full-scale prototype.

Social engineers also are given to extensive planning and experimenting. They, too, construct models in order to secure a better idea of how they may control the full-scale project. For example, in 1933 practically an entire State, with all of its people – Tennessee – was selected for what was called “a pilot plant” and “a yardstick”. I refer to the Tennessee Valley Authority, a project to which its “social engineer in charge” proudly referred as “a seamless web – the unity of land and water and men”, all under his direct authority.

The Chief of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Social Engineers is famed for her experiments with model villages and other “social reforms”. From these she moved into the Planning Division of the United Nations where – is collaboration with the master social engineers of other nations – she has been busily planning to apply her experiments on a world-wide basis.

Social engineers who have worked in the field of agriculture have, at various times, set aside tracts of land and all of their inhabitants for test projects. Then, satisfied that they had produced a happier, healthier, and more perfect human being, they have returned to Washington and attempted to place into operation a master plan to transform all of mankind by use of the force of government.

They have built model housing developments. The occupants are carefully selected, house-broken, and taught to conform to certain behavior patterns. If the operation of the models and the conduct of the people placed in them are pleasing to the planners, they demand from government the power to force many others to conform to the standards they have set – standards which they claim will reduce crime, improve morality, and develop a better society. But, actually, experience has shown that almost always the ultimate effects are the direct opposite of those which they claim.

These self-anointed friends of humanity are deeply concerned about your health, your diet, your attitude toward other people, your business, and your job. Ins short, they believe in government-forced control of man in relation to his wages, hours, working conditions, prices, savings, insurance, drinking habits, entertainment, and a host of other problems that every person must face in his daily living.


Now, I do not deny to any person the right to make any plan be chooses – whether it be a plan to fly to the moon or a plan to create a superior human being. But I do deny the planner the right to force me, or any other person, to conform to his plan.

We scientific engineers do not need laws to force people to adopt our plans or to buy our products. I believe that each of us s willing to leave the decision to the competitive market where all persons have complete freedom to buy or not to buy, to join or not to join, to invest or not to invest.

But these would-be managers-at-large of society are not willing to extend freedom of choice to others than themselves. They must have the power of government — the police force – behind their plans or they are helpless. They know that in almost all cases a free people in a free market would reject their wares. That is why they want to abolish the market economy and force people to conform to their plans or to suffer the penalty of fines and imprisonment.

For example, I am an unwilling “stockholder” in the Tennessee Valley Authority. I continue to pay money into that project for the simple reason that the police force will use violence upon me should I refuse. I am willing to sell my share of TVA, and of all similar welfare projects, at a large discount. In fact, I would give my equity to these humanitarians if they would only stop forcing me to subsidize their schemes.

They claim they can “prove conclusively” that the Tennessee Valley Authority is a great financial success which regularly returns a profit to the people of America. If this so, why do they come to Congress almost every year for additional appropriations? Why do they not offer stock in the open market where the people can have a choice?

The answer is simple: A free people would reject the stock. If this were not so, there would have been no reason to make their participation compulsory in the first instance.

These promoters with the public purse have been planning a Missouri Valley Authority and various other such authorities for many years. And they have been using your money to propagandize the gullible into believing that the projects are economically sound; that they will pay back far more than they cost. If this is so, why do they demand that the police force, government, recruit their stockholders?


Now, these social busy-bodies may have the best intentions in the world. Their personal lives may be above reproach. Their primary motive may be only too “do good for the people”. I question neither their intentions nor their sincerity. But I do question their basic belief that good can be accomplished through the use of violence. To illustrate my point, let us consider the French Revolution. The people rebelled against a government that forced them to conform to its decrees on wages, prices, profits, employment, housing, and similar matters.

Now, it would be logical to suppose that the revolters against a government of favoritism would reject favoritism and entrust their social and economic relationships to a market and a society where freedom of choice was controlling.

It is true that some effort was made in this direction in the early stages of the French Revolution. But soon there came to power Robespierre – a man of unquestioned personal integrity and habits – a dedicated humanitarian. He became the foremost “social engineer” of his day. Here is his master plan for re-creating the people of France:

“In our country,” he said, “we desire to establish morality, honesty, principles, duties, reason, contempt of vice, pride, greatness of soul, love of glory, good people, merit, genius, truth, happiness, greatness of man, generosity, strength – in short, we desire to substitute all the virtues of a republic for all the vices of a monarchy”.

Who can disagree with those noble objectives? Certainly, I do not, any more than I disagree with those of most of our own social planners. But Robespierre had no faith in people. He rejected any thought that the people would develop those desirable virtue by the use of violence; to use the power of government to force all people to conform to his plan for making them better. He became known as the “humanitarian with the guillotine”. Those who refused to conform to his concepts of morality and economic behavior were fined or imprisoned or executed.

When it came his own turn to bow to the guillotine, his defense was that of all humanitarians who rely on the force of government for the accomplishment of their good works. He said that his every act had been “for the good of the people”; that he was only trying to help them to peace, prosperity, and happiness.


And so it is with all social engineers, including Hitler, Stalin, and our domestic brand. Hitler looked upon people as clay to be molded to his purposes. Some of this clay – human beings – did not meet his specifications. So he destroyed it in much the same manner that a scientific engineer discards defective material. His program of social reform allowed little freedom of choice. He used the force of government to regulate wages, prices, profits, working conditions, unions, rents, housing, education, medical services, social security, production, and a host of other vital matters. And he, too, repeatedly announced that all these things ere being done for “the good of all the people”. That is the familiar chant of these “public benefactors”. The dictator who “liquidates” a group of persons is practicing social engineering – as is the public official who takes money from one group of citizens and gives it to another group – in the form of public housing or some other socially “useful” project.

Both are doing what they say is “best for the people as a whole”. They may differ in their approach, but if you think that our domestic brand is any less determined than the variety, just try deducting from your tax bill your share of the cost of socialized housing in America. First, you will be fined. If you refuse to pay the fine, you will be sentenced to prison. If you resist the officer who is sent to arrest you – well, just what does happen in our country to persons who resist arrest?


Now you may ask: Did our great religious teachers practice social engineering? Was Jesus a social engineer? Recalling that I have defined social engineers as those who would re-make mankind in the mass by using the force of government, my answer is an emphatic no. For Jesus always appealed only to individuals. He asked that each one make a voluntary choice to follow God’s way. He said to the individual, “The Kingdom of God is within you. “That is, it does not lie in the group, or in the mob, or in the vote of the majority, but in the individual himself. Nor did Jesus ever appeal, or even suggest an appeal, to the force of government for the accomplishment of good works. Instead, He appealed to each person to reform himself, that he might be born again. He recognized no such thing as “group morality”. Rather, He taught that each individual must eventually answer personally for his own deeds of commission and omission, form which it follows that no one can divest himself of his responsibility by hiding it behind someone else or even behind our collective agent – government.


All social engineers are devotees of the pagan concept of authority. Their every action show clearly that they do not believe that freedom as a way of life will work.

They believe inherently that free mane cannot possibly be adequately housed, clothed, or fed. By their actions they show clearly that they consider themselves superior in intelligence to the rest of us. For our own good they desire to force the rest of us to live and act and think as they believe we should.

Since they assume for themselves a higher degree of intelligence and morality than the rest of us, I suggest that we examinee their credentials. Who has commissioned them to use us as raw material, to be molded as they see fit? Surely no such commission could be valid unless it were signed by the Almighty Himself. Apparently no social engineer ever stops to consider that this raw material he is remolding is composed of human beings – creatures of God, created in God’s image. Or, if he does think about it, apparently he concludes that God’s work should be improved upon. It is my belief that God intended men to be free to make their own decisions and to be responsible for the consequences of those decisions. Thus it seems to me that it is an act against God for men to pass laws which destroy individual liberty; which force some persons to conform to the ideas and plans of other persons; which deprive persons of the responsibility for their own acts and for their own welfare.

It seems to me that there is convincing evidence to support my beliefs on this subject. And the basic evidence is found in the fact that no person is physically or mentally or morally identical to any other person. For example, we know that the fingerprints of all persons are different. And these differences – these individualities, these inequalities – carry through all the physical, mental, and moral characteristics of mankind.


This inequality among persons is a law of nature – law which is just as unchangeable and just as necessary to understand as is any other natural law, as, for example, the law of gravity. This particular law is known as the “law of variation”, and from the unrestricted operation of this law comes all human progress. The law of variation permits children to be different from their parents. It permits brothers to think differently and to act differently. It permits the existence of both miser and philanthropists, saints and sinners, rich and poor. It is the foundation for all conceivable human relationships. These natural variations underlie all commerce and trade and exchanges of any kind – including all the aspects of social and economic life within a society.

The law of variation permits inventors to invent, managers to manage, and scientific engineers to improve the material well-being of mankind. It permits each person to seek a job or profession which is most suited to his natural talents and his desires. It encourages a voluntary division of labor, with resulting maximum efficiency and greater prosperity for all. Without this variation – this unequalness – our social structure would be similar to that of an anthill or a beehive, where each member is born to do a certain predetermined job, which he does with blind allegiance to his society and with no consideration of personal interests or preferences.


The slogan of the social engineer is “equality” and the tools he proposes to use to bring this about are the compulsions and prohibitions of government. But what does he mean by equality? Certainly I am not equal to anyone else. I frequently meet persons who are my superior in intelligence, in morality, in health, and in material possessions. By equality does he mean that we should all have equal intelligence? If so, his arguments should be directed to God. If not equality of intelligence, does he mean that one of the most important by-products of intelligence – material possessions – should be equalized? Or, if he merely intends that some degree of equality of possessions should be achieved, just what degree does he have in mind? If his concept of equality is what he chooses to call “adequate” housing for all, then does not the same principle apply to adequate clothing, food, medical care, entertainment, education, and work for all? And should we not have adequate religious training for all? Surely he does not intend to leave that vital subject to chance! In due time I am quite sure that he will get around to controlling that, too.

When the social engineer uses his compulsions to establish equality or “adequateness” in one area, he may deny vehemently that he intends to establish it elsewhere. In fact, he usually does issue such a denial. But it never works that way. Once it is conceded that people should be forced to conform to the ideas of others, there is no principle on which we can rely to deny the same authority in any area.


It seems to me that the only equality we can logically expect is equality before the law. In that event, no person would be subsidized at the expense of another. There could be no subsidies – for if every person were equal before the law, then the law could not take from some in order to give to others. If we were all equal before the law, there would automatically be a free market wherein no person could use the law to force upon ant other person his concepts of wages, prices, or anything else.

Equality before the law means that no person may steal from another person, defame him, defraud him, injure him, or coerce him in any way. Equality before the law cannot exist until the law recognizes the right of every person to the possessions he has honestly acquired in a free society. There is no equality as long as the law takes from one person against his will to give to another person who has not earned it.


In my opinion, the greatest evil of our times is that so many of us are trying to impose on others our ideas as to how they should live their lives. And when they fail to behave as we think they should, we are tempted to resort to coercion – acting through or agent – government. We apparently see no incongruity in the question, “How can you do good for the people if you just let them alone?”

We need not go beyond our own recent history to find examples of the demoralizing effect of depriving people of the personal responsibility of being free. In response to the urging of our social engineers, many Americans are trying to avoid this responsibility by voting for men who promise to install a system of “government-guaranteed security”, a partial return to the old slave laws of some of our Southern States that guaranteed to all slaves “the right to food and raiment, to kind attention when sick, to maintenance in old age.” And the arguments used in defense of this present-day trend toward the bondage of a welfare state are essentially the same as those used formerly to defend the bondage of outright slavery.

For example, many of the slaveholders claimed to know what was “best for the slaves”. After all, hadn’t they “rescued” the slaves from a life of savagery? Our social reformers who advocate “government-guaranteed security” also claim that they know what is best for the people and they say, “After all, haven’t the American people shown conclusively that they are incapable of handling the responsibility for their own welfare?”

Many of the slaveholders believed sincerely that the “dumb, ignorant slaves” would starve to death unless their welfare were guaranteed by the masters. And the social engineers say, “Are you in favor of letting people starve?”

But let us consider the emancipated slaves. Many of them were old or crippled or sick. They had no homes, no jobs, and very little education, but – most precious of all – they were free. They were responsible for their own welfare. They had the privilege of finding their own security.

Now, compare the remarkable progress of those former slaves to the lack of progress of the American Indians who have been made wards of the government; who were given state-guaranteed “security” instead of freedom with responsibility. In 1862 most American negroes were slaves. Today they are about as self-supporting and responsible as other American citizens. And in the meantime the Indians, as group, have become less self-supporting and more dependent on government. It has even been claimed that many thousands of Indians will die of starvation unless the government feeds them. If this is true, why is it so?


I am aware that many social engineers justify their projects by pointing with horror to some instances of the misuse of human and natural resources in the market economy as it developed in the Western World. I freely admit and decry those abuses. My studies indicate that they were possible only because one group of citizens was able to obtain special favor from government at the expense of others – i.e., government failed in its basic duty to protect the rights of all citizens equally. However, I see no justification in such past errors for setting up other privileged groups and thus prolonging this process which has proved so corrosive to the public morals.

I am sure few will deny that, over the years, there has been a steady, substantial, and voluntary improvement in our social consciousness and behavior. I hold that our sloe hope for continued progress in this area lies in the improvement by the individual of his own moral stature so that he will know what is right and want to do it, voluntarily, not be granting, by votes or otherwise, ever-increasing power and dominion to social engineers to regulate and control our lives, our morals, and our property. That we are justified in expecting even greater developments in morals in evidenced by the current tremendous outpourings of financial and other support for our churches, our charities, our educational institutions, our hospitals, and many other benefactions. The total of the new contributions each year, i.e., not including income on investments, is now estimated to be well in excess of four billion dollars! There is no dearth of beneficence here. Our great error is a lack of confidence in the voluntary acts of free people.

A philosopher friend recently summarized this subject in the following cogent words: “An incalculable amount of harm has been done by those who have gone fourth to reform society. As a matter of fact, there is no way of reforming society except by making individuals better. And no one can make individuals better except the individual himself. If you want to be a reformer, reform yourself. That will keep you busy for a while and lend encouragement to others. Then, when there are significant numbers of transformed individuals, society will be reformed, but not before.”

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chip, Chip, Chip . . . Nudge, Nudge, Nudge . . . The Dismantling of The United States Of America . . .

Do you know how it is being done?

Do you even know who is doing it?

This last week on the cable TV channels here at the RV Park where we are staying there were two programs that ran in Prime Time.  These programs were named “The crumbling of America” and “Racism in America, a story of hatred” . . .

Both programs portrayed the United States as decadent and racist.  I must admit to all of you that I did not watch the entire program of either one.  Why? I felt my anger rising to the boiling point after just the first few minutes of each one of them and I just turned them off.

Needless to say, I am very proud of what my country represents, especially since I have personally observed how people in other countries are treated by their respective governments.  We have come a very long way since this country was founded, and I do not like the direction where the currant group of politicians are now taking this once great country.

Over the span of my short life I have watched certain things that were once considered basic liberties being removed from us, little bit by little bit.  Only recently have I been able to see just who is behind it all, but I still do not have a case that I could take to court.

During the last few Presidential campaigns I have begun to notice that the mainstream news media (MSM) have been favoring only one type of political candidate over all others.  And what is worse is that they have lied about who actually supports those candidates and how much support they are given.  Only the candidates who advocate much more governmental control and higher taxes are recognized by the MSM far over anyone else, regardless of what the consensus of public opinion may be.  That was so glaringly evident during this last election I am surprised that no one else noticed.

On the Republican side, McCain was favored over Duncan Hunter even though Hunter was a very strong National Security advocate who wanted to seal our borders and round up all the illegal aliens and send them back to where they came from.  McCain does not want to seal our borders, nor return illegals to their own countries.  Not a good thing security wise, yet McCain drew the MSM support for his party over all others.

On the Democrat side, Obama drew the MSM support at the end over Hillary Clinton for no other reason than he advocated much more of governmental controls over the population than she did.

Way back when Goldwater was running against LBJ, the MSM portrayed Goldwater as a war monger who would send us into WW3 in a heartbeat and LBJ as the peace lover type.  After he was elected, LBJ took us headlong into Viet Nam with the MSM’s blessings.

Do you see the trend here?

Over the years I have seen the MSM push for things like abortion by reporting on just the evils of illegal abortions and not telling the entire truth that on the whole picture illegal abortions were seldom performed on a national scale, but they got it pushed through anyway.

Then they began chipping away at our children and their parents by advocating “an even playing field in the school grading system” and campaigning to have parents arrested for punishing their children.

By taking away the parental tools you separate parents from children and put the children under more governmental control and less under the parents control.  By leveling the grading system in the children's education you remove the drive for competition from the student thereby making that individual more susceptible to even more governmental controls.

Removing the right to own and bear firearms with more and more restrictive gun controls by blaming all crime on firearm owners, you remove the sense of personal responsibility and the ability to protect and provide for ones self and ones family thereby making that individual more and more dependant upon the government for personal protection.

Now the MSM is advocating for “free” governmental health care, completing the dependency from cradle to the grave.  Yes, that is right, with governmental health care the government will eventually decide when your life is no longer worth living.

Don’t believe me?

Just look at the past and see for yourself just who controls your MSM and what the MSM has advocated over the past one hundred years.

I don’t know about you, but I for one do not like what our so-called “free” press is advocating.  I do not like the way that the MSM has been ignoring the great majority of the population, nor how it is ignoring the reality of the lying so-called scientists who have pushed the very convenient lie about global climate change – notice how the MSM changed that from the late 1960’s global cooling to the 1980’s global warming to now it is global climate change? – and for the implementation of the cap & trade rules and regulations.

For decades the MSM has been touting the evils of gun ownership by listing how many people die each year from firearms while ignoring the fact that almost ten times that many die from automobile wrecks.  While pushing for more and more gun regulations and bans, the MSM has ignored the fact that criminals just do not care about gun laws and will obtain a gun any way they can.  Murderers kill with whatever they can and not just guns, yet gun deaths are championed by every law enforcement reality TV shows like “The First 48” and “Crime 360” while ignoring all other forms that murderers use.

This trend to shape public opinion has been going on since I was a child of four years old.  That is right, I was reading newspaper stories at the age of four when I first learned to read.  The newspaper was for a very long time my only form of entertainment as we did not have a radio (that was before TV’s were affordable and popular).

I ask the reader to please do the research and find out for yourself.  I used to inhabit library’s on a weekly basis and I now use this wonderful communicative tool called the Internet to do my research on.  I do not list the web sites on purpose as I want the reader to explore on his/her own and see what else they can find.  I want the reader to think for yourself, so please do not take my word for this – get out there and find out for your self.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Trying something from “PollDaddy” . . . if this works, it will expire in one week from today.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><noscript>
<a href="">Do you think that President Obama's Afghanistan policy will succeed or fail?</a><span style="font-size:9px;">(<a href="">online surveys</a>)</span>

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

From the Fox News Website – As I have said before this global warming stuff has all been one big scam!

Global Warming Scandal Makes Scientific Progress More Difficult, Experts Say

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
By Gene J. Koprowski


A flock of geese fly past a smokestack at a Kansan coal power plant

The trustworthiness of the scientific community's global warming data pool is being called into question as the scandal over doctored data continues to unfold.

The latest revelation came on Sunday with the publication of a report by The Sunday Times of London that scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit in the United Kingdom confessed to throwing out most of the raw temperature data on which the theory of global warming is founded.

The loss of the data prevents other scientists from checking it to determine whether, in fact, there has been a long-term rise in global temperatures during the past century and a half.

"They are making scientific progress more difficult now," says Willie Soon, a physicist, astronomer and climate researcher at the solar and stellar physics division of the Harvard University-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "This is a shameful, dark day for science," he said in an interview with

Soon also suggested that there has been systemic suppression of dissenting opinion among scientists in the climate change community, ranging from social snubs to e-mail stalking and even threats of harm.

Many in the environmental policy community are outraged about the disclosure that the data has been lost. "The scientific process has become so appallingly corrupted," James M. Taylor, senior fellow in environment policy at The Heartland Institute, told

Heartland is a libertarian think tank in Chicago that recently produced a conference featuring scientists and policymakers, like Jose Maria Aznar, the former prime minister of Spain, and Vaclev Klaus, the president of the Czech Republic, who dispute the theory of global warming.

The report in the Times quoted Roger Pielke, a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado, who requested the original records from CRU.

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"The CRU is basically saying, ‘Trust us.' So much for settling questions and resolving debates with science," Pielke told the Times. He did not return repeated phone calls seeking additional comment. The university’s publicist also was unable to answer additional questions about the story.

"This closed-door conspiracy is harming everyone," says Soon. "I thought I had seen it all. Now I have."

A back story is also starting to emerge, depicting a rough world of suppression of dissenting opinion. Soon, who has been involved in climate change research for 15 years and has published in the field, said there was a general consensus that global warming was possible in the late 1990s. But at the time, the research community wanted to look back not just 150 years but 1,000 years, to see what the long-term trends had been.

Soon says some scientists became staunch advocates for their position that global warming was occurring, and that they they dug in and started refusing to publish papers with contradictory viewpoints.

"I read a paper on increasing heat in the ocean and asked the scientist in France for the backup data," Soon says. "She told me she did not distribute data to people who didn't agree with her conclusions."

Soon says he has been victimized by other "ugly" personal attacks from leading scientists in the global warming world when he has simply raised questions, as any scientific colleague would, about the veracity of the data.

"Seeing all of this controversy in the news is no different than dealing with them in person," he said. "There's a lot of personal ugliness."

Taylor, who is also outspoken in his questioning of climate change theory, says he too has encountered ugliness from global warming enthusiasts, including "e-mail stalking" and "people making thinly veiled threats to physically harm me and my family." He said his opponents at public forums have refused to shake his hand or even acknowledge his presence.

Much scientific research corroborates what the CRU has been reporting, despite the missing data. "It's true that GISS (NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies) and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) ground-based temperature reports show temperature increases similar to CRU," Taylor said.

But then the CRU scandal erupted.

Hackers uncovered e-mails between leading global warming advocates, which expressed concerns that the temperature figures from the last decade simply did not demonstrate that global warming was continuing, as theorized.

Now, some critics are questioning even the seemingly reliable data from the U.S. government.

"The GISS and NOAA reports suffer from the same reliability concerns as the CRU ground-based temperature reports," Taylor says. "And, more importantly, are similarly staffed by outspoken global warming activists who are likely engaging in the same data rigging and data hiding as CRU."

But global warming backers aren’t so sure.

"I don’t think this is a big deal," Nick Berning, director of public advocacy and media relations for Friends of the Earth, an environmental group, based in Washington D.C., said. "These are people who want to get their panties in a bunch, so they’ve gotten their panties in a bunch."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Are we living in a movie?

Today I watched all six “episodes” of the “Star Wars” saga.


Chillingly, it reminded me of what is happening today in this once great country of ours.  It had all the earmarks of how Obummer and his Marxist cronies are seizing power over a once free nation where Liberty was first and foremost.  While claiming to protect the people from emerging dangers, the soon to be emperor secretly built an enormous army of loyal clones while the people relied on a small force of jedi Knights to hold the Alliance together . . . Then he sent his knights into a battle which outcome was preplanned to reduce their numbers even more.

Today, right here on Planet Earth, we hear Obummer and his minions cry out about one “emergency” after another.  We hear him talk about how we must raise our national debt to a level that can never be brought down and back under control just to provide “health care” for a few folks who either do not want to purchase their own insurance or just do not believe that they will need health insurance right now.  We have heard him say that he needs a civilian “security force” that is just as big and well equipped as our military forces.  Yet he and congress have yet to secure our borders.

Just makes me kind of wonder.

Why can’t we see the forest for the trees?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

As Time Marches On . . . . There Is A Glimmer Of Hope On The Horizon

I have been told that distance and time heal all wounds.

If that is the case, then how will we heal these wounds that our currant POTUS and all his Marxist cronies in the House and Senate are now inflicting on us?

The currant form of “Obama(really doesn’t)care” has been touted to be “Under 900 Billion Dollars” . . . . .

With our national deficit and national debt rising at its currant rate, before the end of the world on 12 Dec 2012 (according to the Mayan Calendar Doomsayers), we will already have been delegated a third world economy and be dependant on that most wonderful of political organizations – namely the United Nations – for all our needs with blue helmeted South African troops handing out the dole to all the hungry masses that cannot afford to feed themselves.

How do we prevent this from happening?

Sarah Palin and her “Anti-RINO Express” is how we do it.

It is time to pick your side, America, it is time to pick your side and stand up for your liberty and your country.

I will admit to all of you that I had for many years now fallen under the spell of Newt Gingrich.  No more, since I have seen him lately hobnobbing with the “Global Climate Change” people and even endorsing a “Republican In Name Only” (RINO) candidate in New York State.  That ended it for me.

I have always been an admirer of Mrs. Palin ever since she burst onto the national political arena as John’s running mate.  I admire her outspokenness and her honesty, not to mention her integrity.  I also admire her Husband for his unwavering support to his wife.

I believe that in 2010 we all should give the RINO’s that are up for re-election the boot and replace them with real conservatives, then do it again in 2012 and also replace Obama with Palin.

So far, as I can see it, she is one of the very few real conservatives left that can get the job done.

And that, my friends, is just my not-so-humble opinion.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Hiatus . . .

To all my faithful followers; I am going to be away from my computer until about the 24th of this month.

I will see you then.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Real Deal on Barack Hussein Obama’s “Cash For Clunkers”

 The Snake oil salesman has struck again!

(mmm!, mmm!, mmm!)

Here is something to think about...

Ignore all the gas crap and just look at how the car buyer got taken to the cleaners:

If you traded in a clunker worth $3500,

you get $4500 off for an apparent "savings" of $1000.

However, you have to pay taxes on the $4500 come April 15th

(something that no auto dealer will tell you).

If you are in the 30% tax bracket, you will pay $1350 on that $4500.

So, rather than save $1000, you actually pay an extra $350 to the feds. 

In addition, you traded in a car that was most likely paid for.

Now you have 4 or 5 years of payments on a car that you did not need,

that was costing you less to run than the payments that you will now be making.

But wait, it gets even better: 

you also got ripped off by the dealer.

For example, every dealer in LA was selling the Ford Focus with all the goodies

including A/C, auto transmission, power windows, etc for $12,500

the month before the "cash for clunkers" program started.

When "cash for clunkers" came along, they stopped discounting them and instead

sold them at the list price of $15,500. 

So, you paid $3000 more than you would have the month before.

(Honda, Toyota, and Kia played the same list price game that Ford and Chevy did)

So lets do the final tally here:

You traded in a car worth:   $3500

You got a discount of:          $4500

Net so far                           +$1000

But you have to pay:        $1350 in taxes on the $4500

Net so far:                          -$350

And you paid:                     $3000 more than the car was selling for the month before

Net                                      -$3350

We could also add in the additional taxes (sales tax, state tax, etc.) on the extra $3000

that you paid for the car, along with the 5 years of interest on the car loan... but lets just stop here.

So, who actually made out on the deal?  The feds collected taxes on the car

along with taxes on the $4500 they "gave" you. 

The car dealers made an extra $3000 or more on every car they sold

along with the kickbacks from the manufacturers and the loan companies.

The manufacturers got to dump lots of cars they could not give away the month before. 

And the poor stupid consumer got saddled with even more debt that they cannot afford.

Obama and his band of merry men convinced Joe consumer that he was getting

$4500 in "free" money from the "government" when in fact Joe

was giving away his $3500 car and paying an additional $3350 for the privilege.

The Snake-Oil Salesman Has Struck Again!

His Name Is Barack Hussein Obama!

(mmmm!, mmmm!, mmmm!)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Handwriting On The Walls Of History . . .

How many politicians are reading them?

The words of History that have spelled out the impending doom of the Nation States and Empires of the past whose singular leaders had chosen to ignore them.

“Caesar fiddled as Rome burned”, the fall of Alexander the Great, including some other more recent events such as the rise and fall of the Third Reich, Mussolini’s Fascist state of Italy and the Soviet Union.

The warnings were all there, but ignored by all those so-called great leaders who thought they were invincible.

Even the French, prior to the French Revolution, had warning signs that were ignored by its then leaders. Not to mention the fall of Great Britain’s Royal Family – yet eventually they were reinstated, but as figureheads only.

History has proven time and time again that once a nations leaders begin to believe that they are all powerful omnipotent’s, something happens to strike them down.

I truly fear that all those politicians in Washington D.C. have begun to reach that part in the history of this country where they believe that it is now a government over the people by the politician instead of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The ignoring of the will of the people, the attitude that the people are not intelligent enough to manage their own lives, and that the people actually want to be slaves to an all controlling government will spell the impending end of this once great nation.

The handwriting of history is now on the walls of the United States Government. It is foretelling the end of the United States Of America sometime in the near future.

It will come to pass.

That is, unless the people rise up and take back control of this government and make the necessary fundamental changes to keep it under the tight reign of the people.

The power of the people lies in the Constitution of the United States, and in the State Government’s of the various individual States.

Take that power, use it to regain control of the Federal Government, reinstate a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people,

Otherwise the Handwriting on the Walls of History will have one more name added to it.

The Late Great United States Of America – The Constitutional Republic That Self Destructed.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Weekend Of 9/11/2009 – Eight Years Later . . .

Did anyone notice it?

The passing of eight years, only this passing had some significance. Well, for some at least it did.

To President Barack Hussein Obama it was his self_proclaimed “National Day of Service”. With nary a mention of what had happened eight years ago, he set out to garner support for his plan for the government takeover of our health care industry from all his Obamatron Sheeple in and around Chicago and the rest of the mid-west.

Little or nothing came out of Congress this weekend either. I do not remember seeing a single news item about anyone from the Senate or the House of Representatives marking this day at all.

I did catch most of Glenn Beck’s show on FNC Saturday about the Tea Party March on Washington DC. I also watched his emotion laden show on Friday when he voiced his indignation of still having nothing but a very large hole in the ground at ground zero eight years later. I am kind of wondering why all New Yorkers haven’t just about rioted over that matter, but then I am not a New Yorker so I do not hold it against them for not demanding that something be done. I am sure that they have good reason to not be upset about it like Glenn Beck is although I haven’t a clue what that good reason could be.

This weekend we had some rather high winds at the old Rancho-Costaplenty and my flagpole mount came loose from the house and now I have to re-mount it in another place that will be sturdier and not let the mounting screws rip loose. I will do that on Monday.

I did notice that people are still saying the Pledge of Allegiance with as much fervor as they did right after the attack as I attended a Community meeting on Saturday morning.

The NASCAR regular racing season came to an end. The “Chase for the Cup” begins next weekend.

My Seattle Seahawks won their regular season opener rather handily on Sunday afternoon.

And the Space Shuttle landed at Edwards AFB in California. They brought “Buzz Lightyear” back from his 15 Month stay on the International Space Station.

Did I mention that thousands upon thousands of people peacefully protested all around this country while still being ignored by the mainstream news media? They are protesting our governments planned takeover of the healthcare industry and our governments uncontrolled and seemingly never ending spending spree.

Did I also mention that all these peaceful protesters are STILL being ignored by President Barack Hussein Obama and the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives and the mainstream news media?

It seems to me that “We The People” mean just about as much to them as what actually happened on 9/11/2001.

A mere eight short years ago.

Did anyone other than I notice that?


Anyone at all?

Friday, August 28, 2009

If This Ain’t A Direct Violation Of The First Amendment, Then Nothing Is!!!

This Is A Clear Abridgement Of Our Freedom Of Speech!

This is from FNC.Com in its entirety!


Senate Bill Would Give President Emergency Control of Internet

Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 show the Senate bill could give the president a "kill switch" on the Internet and allow him to shut out private networks from online access.

Friday, August 28, 2009



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A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks — a move cybersecurity experts worry will choke off industry and civil liberties.

Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 emerged late Thursday, months after an initial version authored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., was blasted in Silicon Valley as dangerous government intrusion.

"In the original bill they empowered the president to essentially turn off the Internet in the case of a 'cyber-emergency,' which they didn't define," said Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, which represents the telecommunications industry.

"We think it's a very bad idea ... to put in legislation," he told

Clinton said the new version of the bill that surfaced this week is improved from its first draft, but troubling language that was removed was replaced by vague language that could still offer the same powers to the president in case of an emergency.

"The current language is so unclear that we can't be confident that the changes have actually been made," he said.

The new legislation allows the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and make a plan to respond to the danger, according to an excerpt published online — a broad license that rights experts worry would give the president "amorphous powers" over private users.

"As soon as you're saying that the federal government is going to be exercising this kind of power over private networks, it's going to be a really big issue," Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told CNET News.

A Senate source familiar with the bill likened the new power to take control of portions of the Internet to what President Bush did when he grounded all aircraft on Sept. 11, 2001, CNET News reported.

Spokesmen for Senator Rockefeller and the Commerce Committee did not return calls seeking comment before this article was published.

But Rockefeller, who introduced the bill in April with bipartisan support, said the legislation was critical to protecting everything from water and electricity to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records.

"I know the threats we face," Rockefeller said in a prepared statement when the legislation was introduced. "Our enemies are real. They are sophisticated, they are determined and they will not rest."

The bill would also let the government create a detailed set of standards for licensing "cybersecurity professionals" who would oversee a single standard for security measures.

But many in the technology sector believe it's a job the government is ill-equipped to handle, said Franck Journoud, a policy analyst with the Business Software Alliance.

"Simply put, who has the expertise?" he told in April. "It's the industry, not the government. We have a responsibility to increase and improve security. That responsibility cannot be captured in a government standard."

Clinton, of the Internet Security Alliance, praised President Obama's May science policy review, which he said would take cybersecurity in the right direction by promoting incentives to get the private industry to improve its own security measures.

But he faulted the Senate bill, which he said would centralize regulations for an industry that is too varied to fall under the control of a single set of rules without endangering the economy and security.

"We think a lot of things need to be done to enhance cybersecurity," he told, but this bill is "not something that we could support."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What are we doing? Why are we doing this?

What is happening to us, America? What has transpired that is making so many people BELIEVE that Socialism and Fascism and even Communism is much better than this Republic that our military veterans, forefathers and ancestors fought and sacrificed so much for?

What is it that is making so many of us actually want our government to babysit us from the cradle to the grave. Telling us that we are just way too stupid to make decisions for ourselves as to when to see a doctor, which doctor to see, and when we should just give up and die.

Even though I cannot ever begin to fathom the attitude of so many of us that believe that government should guarantee medical health care to each and every one of us, wether we worked for it or not. That so many of us now believe that the government owes us money we never worked for when we refuse to go out and find a way of paying our own way through this life.

Where did all this dependency attitude come from?

Did it begin in our public schools way back in the early seventies when school districts began mandating that children be not failed in order to save their self esteem even though they have not achieved the necessary skills to advance to the next level of instruction?

Or did it begin way back in the early 1930’s when government started giving handouts called welfare to those who could not find a job, no matter if they were looking for work or not?

Did it begin with the passing of the Social Security Act that was originally meant to be an assisting device to help one supplement his/her retirement nestegg, but actually started paying out full benefits to people just one month after it was signed into law thereby making it a deficit spending agency from its very beginning to the almost devastating tragedy that it is today?

What happened to that pioneer spirit that won the west by people actually walking alongside their Ox driven covered wagons across the central plains and through the Rockies to the Pacific shores?

What happened to the country that men like my Father-In-Law volunteered to go forth into harms way to fight off the armies and navies of the Imperialists and Fascists and Nazis? Where are those who have that grim determination to sacrifice whatever it takes to preserve and defend these United States Of America from all enemies foreign and domestic?

Today. This very day. Up in Washington, District of Columbia, there is a very large group of people that is doing their level best to usurp the Constitution of the United States of America. They are doing their level best make all of us believe that we cannot possibly live without their brand of un-American government.

And to listen to the mainstream news media, there is an overwhelming majority of American citizens that are of voting age who are demanding that this is the very kind of government that we actually want and believe in.

What are we doing, America? What in the Sam Hell are we doing?

A couple of years ago my wife and I spent some time at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. We took the self guided audio tour. It took us an entire day driving around to all those places where good men sacrificed their very existence for the kind of freedom that they believed in with all their heart and souls.

Over one half million Americans died on that battlefield. They died for no other reason than their own personal belief in what they perceived as freedom.

Now today, am I supposed to believe that we Americans – the very descendants of those selfless men of Gettysburg – not only are willing, but actually want to give up our freedom for a few dollars a month in government dole?

Am I supposed to accept that the children and grandchildren of those who went forth in harms way to save the world back in WW2, actually want that very brand of Socialism and Fascism to now rule their lives?

I was told today by an old WW2 vet that he wished he would have died in that war than to live to see what is happening in this country today!

All I can ask you is . . . JUST WHAT IN THE SAM HELL ARE WE DOING?!?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two Of Our Country’s Natural Wonders . . .

Every few years we take a trip somewhere around this Nation of ours to a place we have never been before.  This usually coincides with one of our wedding anniversaries.  This year was our 40th, and this year we went to the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico and the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest in Arizona – Both are in the National Park System, and both are a sight to behold!

Let me warn you all that there is no amount of photographs that can ever do justice to either of these places.  To be able to reel in the actual natural beauty of these wonderful American National Parks, one should always see them with your own eyes.  I urge all who read this blog to go to as many natural wonders in this country of ours as you possibly can, only then can you appreciate the value of our country in terms other than our politics or our people.

Now, having said that, let me show you a few photos that I took on this trip.

Cavern #1

The gaping mouth of the Cavern as seen as you prepare to enter.

Cavern #2

From the inside looking up and out as we descended into the cavern.  Those birds are cave swallows, and they live and nest just inside the mouth of the cave.

Cavern #3

One of the good things to come out of Hollywood is the lighting system inside the cave, this done by a theatrical lighting expert throughout the entire Cavern – except for the bat cave – which gives a visual perspective of what a Cavern is that no camera could ever capture.  You just gotta see it for yourself!

Cavern #4

The enormity of the Cavern can be seen in the contrast of these ladies as they descended behind us.  They are of average height and the top of the cave towers above them.  Note the handrails, as the entire Cavern has paved walkways with handrails throughout.

Cavern #5

The handrails and paved walkways that a I mentioned above.  As you can see, there are places that even I had to duck to get through.

Cavern #6

This is a typical sight throughout the Cavern.  Note the lighting near the bottom of the picture.  I cannot praise that unknown lighting expert enough.  This something one MUST see with one’s own eyes to really appreciate.

Cavern #7

Although we took the self guided tours with the walk down and the part of the Cavern known as the Big Room(they have these numbered stops and an accompanying audio info thing we rented), we also took the Ranger Guided Tour of the Kings Chamber.  This is our Ranger as he prepared us for the tour.  These Rangers are very knowledgeable and they love to impart their knowledge when asked.  I urge all those who go to ask many and every question you can think of, they really enjoy answering questions.

Now for the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert . . . .

Just 16 miles east of Holbrook Arizona on Interstate 40, old Route 66, lies another magnificent natural wonder of our great nation.  Again I say that no amount of photographs can ever do this place justice.

Painted Desert #1

As far as the eye can see . . . . . . . .

Painted Desert #2

Some may call this the brush strokes of Mother Nature, and others say it is the handiwork of God Himself.  The Painted desert is truly an awesome sight indeed.  We took three days to take it all in.

Again, we purchased an Audio Tour that took us to numbered stops along the way and gave us the history of the area and set us up for the walking paths.  Take a lot of water with you as this IS a desert, warm and dry.

Petrified Forest #1

The petrified logs – This one looks like it is sawed into sections, but it is actually naturally broken into these neat pieces – are everywhere, but remember that it is a federal crime to remove them from a national park.

Petrified Forest #2

Look closely at the picture above.  What looks like wood chips is actually tiny broken pieces of the petrified logs that were broken off during a flood over a million years ago.  But then, I am told, that people actually used dynamite to blow up some of the logs to get the quartz crystals out of the centers – this actually destroyed the crystals that they were trying to get.  Greed gets you nowhere.

Wigwam #1 

In nearby Holbrook is the Wigwam Motel.  Yes, it is a real Motel that you can rent a Wigwam to spend the night in.  Yes, those are real antique cars parked all around the place.

Wigwam #2

As you can see, it is quite a sprawling place.  I recommend it if you have children as it would give them something to talk about at “show and tell” when they go back to school.

There you have it.  That is all the pictures I am going to bore you with today.  If you want to see more, then schedule a trip of your own and take a good look at the physical worth of this country of ours.  It is priceless in both memories and value.  This nation really is worth saving!


Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Baaaaack!!!!!

Just got back today, and do I have some reading to catch up on! Over 200 emails!

Just got word that my local member of the House of Reps is holding a town hall meeting tomorrow (08/22/2009) in Kingman . . . Dare I attend?

hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe . . . and chuckle ;-)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Going on vacation during the Month of August . . .

Do not look for any new postings until around the 15th to the 20th of August as we will be traveling about in places we have never been before and I doubt that I will have access to the Internet.



Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A sneak peek at the future of healthcare under OBAMACARE


It is all about money.  The Military Retirement Healthcare System just changed contracts for no other reason than the currant providers were UNDERBID by those who gat the new contracts – not that they could provide better or even the same level of quality, but that they CLAIMED that they could do it CHEAPER!  And that, my friends, is SOCIALIZED NATIONAL HEALTHCARE REALITY!

It is not the best possible care for your money, but what ever the government can get for the cheapest cost!

Don’t believe me?  Then click on the link below and read it for yourself!,15240,195077,00.html


This is the “Mother of all reality videos” . .

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just a little bit different . . .

These things have been in the news as of late;

Farmers in India have asked their unmarried daughters to plow their fields in the nude in order that the rain gods would see them and be enticed to make it rain so that they may have a bumper crop this year . . . I just wonder what kind of a “crop” those farmers are looking for!?

There’s this guy in Ohio who transformed an old church into a workout center that he has named “Faith Gym” . . . However he has the main workout area designed in a Superman motif. Oh yeah.

Forty years after receiving his c-ration pound cake, a retiring Army Colonel opened the can and began consuming it. He said it tasted just as good as it did forty years ago . . . Now THAT’S something these so-called modern day soldiers can’t brag about with their tasty new MRE’s!

In Tokyo Japan the railroad workers who have to deal with the public MUST pass the “Smile Test” each and every day before they are allowed to go to their jobs . . . Now that’s something that I would like to see here in the States!

The recent visit of the Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile to the State of Hawaii was not a good thing, according to one group of law watchdogs . . . It seems that vehicular advertising is not allowed in the Aloha State.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is just one movie worth watching!

This is a long one, almost two hours long, but I believe that it is worth taking the time to watch!


I do not consider myself a conspiracy theory advocate, however, this video brings some actions of our currant and past Presidents into a glaring new light.

But then, there are other parts of this video that make you want to go hmmmm?

I suggest that you set a couple of hours aside from your busy day and watch this in its entirety and decide for yourself.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Obamacare is cause for real concern to the elderly – for no one knows at which age one would be considered elderly . . . . .


During the entire two years that Barack Hussein Obama campaigned for the U. S. Presidency he had been touting that there was a health care crisis in this country.

That was and still is an outright lie.

This country has almost 300 million people in its population and well over three quarters of the population is covered by some kind of health care plan. That is well over 250 million people out of 300 million, which leaves much less that 50 million uncovered by any health care plan. I don’t know about you, but that does not look like any kind of a crisis to me.

However, at the rate of the “stimulus” bailout and cap-&-trade caused job losses we just may be heading for much more of the population losing their health care coverage than we would have if government would have kept their hands out of private businesses. But that is an item for future articles.

Here is the ugly truth about “Obamacare” in all its glory . . . ;


Do you understand that?


Someone has to pay for it. Pure and simple. Someone has to pay for your so-called “free” healthcare. Nothing that government gives you is free because government has taken something from someone else to pay for what government has given you.

I really do hope that you understand that. It is extremely important that you understand that. As a matter of fact your very life depends on you understanding that.

Here’s why: The great majority of this country’s population just happens to be the so-called “Baby-Boomer” generation. That means that we were born just after or during WW2. We are rapidly becoming the Senior Citizens of America – in other words we are now retiring at an ever increasing rapid rate, which means that our income tax contributions are dwindling and our Medicare costs are rising along with our increasing Social Security payments.

Do you get that? We “Baby-Boomers” are no longer paying for Social Security – Social Security is now starting to pay US!

So just who do you think is going to pay for “Obamacare”?

Have you heard the talk about how Obamacare is going to be distributed? Did you know that in Obamacare life isn’t going to be so precious anymore once you get past a certain age? That is right, folks, only our wonderful Obamacare bureaucrats have not yet figured out at just what age that might be. I hear that the age of 70 or maybe 75 just might be the age at which “free” Obamacare will be cut off. If you don’t believe that, then just do some little research on your own and google the speech that Obama made fairly recently in which he stated that the elderly will just have to admit that all the aches and pains of growing old will just have to be tolerated without a doctor tending to them.

Heartwarming thought, isn’t it?

Your Messiah really does care about you, well, at least until you are “no longer a productive member of society” at which point you might as well die.

Soylent Green, anyone?

Or, you just might Google “Logan’s Run” . . .

Does anyone remember that little fubar about having our wounded veterans find their own secondary insurance a short while back? Did you really believe that he was actually serious about that? I didn’t. I knew that it was just a trial balloon to see what we all thought of our veterans getting healthcare benefits for life for serving our country for 20 or 30 years and surviving any wars that just happened to be around during our tenure of service. I just happened to remember another Democrat President by the name of Jimmy Carter that declared that all military retirees who lived long enough to draw Social Security and any other retirement benefits were “Double Dipping” and shouldn’t get either their Social Security or military retirement checks, even though they had actually EARNED them! I think that Obama is starting to sneak that sort of thing into his Obamacare Plan that is now up for discussion and will be up for a vote pretty darn soon – maybe during the Sotomayor confirmation hearings that all the news media will be concentrating on very loudly in order that “We The People” will not be paying attention to what they are doing behind our backs right under our collective noses!

Remember what I said about government taking from someone else before it can give anything to anyone?

We Baby-Boomers have been paying for every social program that the government has instituted ever since we began entering the workforce way back in the 1960’s. Even those of us who have never served in the military have been paying.

Now we are going to pay for the younger generations Obamacare. How? With diminished and denied Medicare and Social Security. How do I know this?


Oh, and here’s a thought for you younger generations . . . Who will pay for Obamacare after all of us WW2 Baby-Boomers are gone?

Times are hard, folks, and during hard times we all must make some pretty tough decisions. Nothing comes easy, especially during hard times.

We are just going to have to make the tough decision that we do not want all those social programs that the Messiah promised during his two year campaign for the Presidency.

If we take the easy way out, we are going to have a train wreck like the world has never seen before. If you think times are hard now, just you wait till Obama gets all of his wishes and we all are on the government dole, begging each and every month for our little portion of his brand of “Soylent Green” . . . . .

Or lining up to enter the arena to watch the end flight of blazing glory for all those who have finally reached the age of no longer being productive members of society . . .

Isn’t the thought of Obamacare just wonderful?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Problem With Politicians, Role Models, Idols, Icons, And Entertainers . . . . .


Lets start with entertainers. Entertainers, by virtue of the extraordinary talent that allows them to do whatever it is that they do, have no choice but to be eccentric extroverts. In a nutshell, that explains why the late Michael Jackson was the way he was – “Wacko Jacko”.

That eccentricity is what made him such a good entertainer, and such a horrible role model for the average kid to want to follow. I believe that, like most other entertainers, Jackson was hooked on something, either prescription drugs or something else that has not come to the light of day as yet, but something nonetheless.

Look at other entertainers that have been idolized in the past;

Jimmie Hendrix – died as a result of an overdose of drugs.

Marylyn Monroe - died from an overdose of prescription drugs.

Elvis Presley – Same as Marylyn Monroe.

Mama Cass Elliot – death due to drug overdose.

Kurt Kobain – committed suicide while high on drugs.

Janis Joplin – death due to drug overdose.

That is just a few of the more famous ones out there. The gutters are lined with the wasted bodies of those who never made it to the big time, but got caught up in the drug craze of their so-called idols.

Certain sports figures also come to mind, like;

Michael Vick – convicted of running a dog fighting arena.

Steve McNair – murdered by his mistress while cheating on his wife.

I could go on with the other sports figures that have taken performance enhancing drugs in order to set records in their respective sports, who have been caught cheating on their wives, gambling against their own teams then doing their best to make that team lose for their own monetary gain, and acting like complete idiotic fools in public just to be the center of attention.

Let us not forget the political figures who have sought to be idolized while secretly doing drugs (Marion Barry – the DC Mayor), cheating on their wives (Bill Clinton – our President) and many other political figures that have committed various sundry and notorious things.

Why do we Americans insist on putting these people on a pedestal? Do we secretly wish to be as despicable as they are? Do we want our children to grow up to live in such a disgusting world as that of the drug addict? You know something? I really do not believe that is what we want to be like or our children to be like, I really don’t.

All we have to do is look around us for the real role models. They are everywhere;

Policemen who put their lives on the line for the average run-of-the-mill person on a daily basis.

Firefighters who enter into burning buildings to save people they do not even know.

Doctors who perform hour upon hour of meticulous surgical procedures just to make someone feel a little better or remove a cancerous tumor.

Paramedics are another type of hero that most of us take for granted.

Even the grocery clerk and stock person who see to it that we have everything we need to sustain our lives right at our fingertips.

All we have to do is open our eyes to the everyday world around us to see those who make our lives possible, tolerable, and livable. They do their thing day in and day out without any fanfare at all, and most of us do not even appreciate their effort at all – let alone notice that they are there.

Yet when someone can sing, dance, play a musical instrument, act, or play a game we idolize them and put them on a pedestal just like we do some politicians – and just like most politicians, a good number of these entertainers do nothing more than let us down in the end . . . and we still idolize them.

Yet we ignore the real everyday heroes who are out there doing what they do each and every day without fail.

We even ignore our military men and women who put themselves in harms way – just like firefighters and police officers – so that we may have a better and safe life to be lived in relative freedom.

Yet we idolize the politician and entertainer who would be most delighted if we Americans gave up our freedom to live in poverty and tyranny while they lived high on their pseudo ivory pedestals.

I know that it is puzzling, to say the least. But that is what we do, we Americans, we just continue to make the destructive political and entertaining lifestyle our role models, idols and icons.

And that is the entire problem out of its nutshell.