Monday, June 15, 2009

My Guide To Simple Solutions For Problems Caused By Over-Complication In Our Political System


There are problems in this country, and those problems were compounded by the over complication of everything from soup to nuts – This over complication was initially caused by those in the legal profession being given ivory pedestal status by the common man. Here is how it works;

If you have ever had to retain a lawyer for anything, and I hope that you haven’t, take out the paperwork and read it again . . . while you are reading it count how many references there are to “The Party of the first part” and other jargon that sometimes seems like a foreign language, such as “The litigants”. It is language like this that makes legal documents so cotton picking long and complicated. I once asked a good friend of mine who is an attorney just why this kind of language is in these documents. His answer was there is no other reason than to make it look like the lawyers and the judges know much more than the common man. Now before you all crucify me for that statement, think about it for a second or two. The statement “The party of the first part” can actually be replaced by a name, either of an individual or a company or an organization – but a name none the less. I have always demanded that my lawyer translate any and all documents that concern me into common language that anyone with a fifth grade education can understand and you will be surprised at just how many fewer pages of paper it takes to say the same thing that volumes used to cover!

These complicated ways have overflowed into our political system much to the advantage of the politicos who get re-elected time after time. They have used legal jargon to further their political careers over and above what the framers of our Constitution actually intended for them to be. Now it is time for the common man or as the words in the Declaration Of Independence actually describe us; “We The People” to retake control of the politicos of this nation and put things right again.

The founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution gave us all the tools we need to do this. The first steps we must take is to get the word out to each and every state in the union that we have the tools in hand to put this country back on track again, and then keep it there.

The first and strongest of these tools is in Article V of the Constitution, the article concerning amendments to the Constitution. It reads, in part, “The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments (Italics and underlining are mine for the purpose of getting your attention).

With this most powerful tool, “We The People” can and should get the states to call that convention! But before we do that we must have a plan in place, and here are some ideas for that plan;

We need to repeal the 16th and 17th amendments and replace them with practical measures. The first being returning the control of the individual Senators to their respective State Legislators, but limit their number of appointments and limit their stature in the scheme of things, i.e., their pay and privileges and control the costs of their office operations to within a reasonable budget.

The 16th Amendment should be replaced wit a set and unchangeable amount of earnings tax that should be an across the board type tax that all would pay, no deductions, no exceptions, no ifs ands or buts. My idea is 10% that would be locked in and unchangeable.

Another Idea I have is to abolish all political parties thereby restricting any and all candidates to run on their own ideas and merits so that the individual voter could see just who it is that they are voting for.

Still another idea is to restrict any legislation to one topic and one topic only. That would effectively end the “backdoor legislative process” for good. No more hidden “Pork Barrel” projects for legislators. Everything would be out in the open for all to see.

The last idea that I have for now is to make all Federal Judges an elective position, this to include United States Supreme Court Justices, and restrict that body of the Judicial to ruling on matters of the Constitution only. This I believe would end the currant practice of “Legislating From The Bench” as it is now called.

These things can be accomplished by “We The People” if we become organized in each and every state, not as a new political party, but as a grassroots movement such as when the tax day tea parties were organized. We common folks are what make this nation great, not the intellectual elite or the great philosophers of our time nor the political elite that now reside in our nation’s capitol. “We The People” or we the common folks of these United States of America, we are the ones who get up every morning and go to our jobs to work and make a living to feed, house and clothe our families. We are the ones who don the uniforms of our several armed forces and go out in harms way for the protection of all the people of this nation, not the political elite.

What we need to do is not hard, not complicated at all. We just need to come together and get it done.


Mad Mom said...

I agree GA. It is the common folks, the everyday, hardworking people who make this country great. As the organizer of the RI Tea Parties, I can tell you that it is these people who are the true foot soldiers in this fight to spread the word. They are also the ones who showed up en masse to make their voices heard. They want to solve the issues and they want a simpler solution that is of the people, by the people, for the people. Complexity has only been created by the elite in order to gain power and money. But the power belongs with the people; they know what they want, they know they've been had, and they've had enough.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the legal and political world have both been unnecessarily complicated and I agree with your reasoning behind why.

I agree that the 16th ammendment needs to be repealed. I'm not so sure about the 17th, I just haven't thought about it yet.

As for adding new amendments, I approach that with great caution. I think it is imperative that we consider deeply and try to look at possible unintended consequences before we go to the extreme measure of amending the Constitution. I look at the Constitution with a great deal of respect and I'm therefore cautious about it.

The amendment on abolishing political parties and the taxation amendment you propose both are potential fraught with unintended consequences. I'm really not sure that an amendment is necessary to achieve the goals you have in these areas.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I read up on the 17th amendment, what it all means and so forth. You're right, it needs to be repealed.

Life of Illusion said...


Great article! Great points made.
I would also like to see the constitution & bill of rights translated into plain English to remove confusion. Doing that would overturn many Supreme Court decisions that have robbed us of our freedoms.