Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Handwriting On The Walls Of History . . .

How many politicians are reading them?

The words of History that have spelled out the impending doom of the Nation States and Empires of the past whose singular leaders had chosen to ignore them.

“Caesar fiddled as Rome burned”, the fall of Alexander the Great, including some other more recent events such as the rise and fall of the Third Reich, Mussolini’s Fascist state of Italy and the Soviet Union.

The warnings were all there, but ignored by all those so-called great leaders who thought they were invincible.

Even the French, prior to the French Revolution, had warning signs that were ignored by its then leaders. Not to mention the fall of Great Britain’s Royal Family – yet eventually they were reinstated, but as figureheads only.

History has proven time and time again that once a nations leaders begin to believe that they are all powerful omnipotent’s, something happens to strike them down.

I truly fear that all those politicians in Washington D.C. have begun to reach that part in the history of this country where they believe that it is now a government over the people by the politician instead of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The ignoring of the will of the people, the attitude that the people are not intelligent enough to manage their own lives, and that the people actually want to be slaves to an all controlling government will spell the impending end of this once great nation.

The handwriting of history is now on the walls of the United States Government. It is foretelling the end of the United States Of America sometime in the near future.

It will come to pass.

That is, unless the people rise up and take back control of this government and make the necessary fundamental changes to keep it under the tight reign of the people.

The power of the people lies in the Constitution of the United States, and in the State Government’s of the various individual States.

Take that power, use it to regain control of the Federal Government, reinstate a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people,

Otherwise the Handwriting on the Walls of History will have one more name added to it.

The Late Great United States Of America – The Constitutional Republic That Self Destructed.

1 comment:

Mad Mom said...

I believe 2010 and 2012 will be historic years in the US, when We the People stand up for the principles of the Constitution as set forth by our founding fathers. We represent their spirit in contemporary times, and it is we who will save Freedom and our country from the corrupt hands of our so-called representatives.