Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Used Tea Bag Sending Instructions!

Directions for tea bag envelopes

Since everyone in D.C. is paranoid about envelopes containing anything but paper, in order to not get a visit from your local P.D. or even worse the FBI, it is a very good idea to list the contents of the tea bag envelope on the outside of the envelope. What we did at my house is in bold and underlined letters on the back side of the envelope were the words
"Contents of this envelope"
. Underneath that were the words
"One information sheet containing the contact information of the sender of this envelope"
. Underneath that were the words
"One used tea bag"
. Underneath that were the words
"These items were sent to signify our dissatisfaction with the garbage level legislation and the unrepresented and unfair tax increases that the politician to whom this envelope is addressed to has been and continues to be a major part of"
. And below that in bright red bold italic and underlined were the words
"We the people are the employer . . . you the politicians are the employees"

On the contact information sheet we listed our name and address, our home phone number, our cell phone number, our email address and this weblog address. Then we added the following;

The used tea bag in this envelope is to signify to you our displeasure at your continued involvement in the garbage legislation and unfair and non-represented tax increases that has been the beginning hallmark of the new Presidential administration.

We want to bring to your attention that even though this President won the election, that in no stretch of anyone’s imagination this is to be considered a blank check for this administration to squander what little is left of the American economy.

This is also a gentle reminder to you that “We The People Of These United States Of America” are in fact the government and that you the politician are in fact our employees that we hire by way of elections to run the business of our country’s government.

This is provided for in our Constitution, and also provided for in our Constitution are several ways that we the people may show our displeasure should you not be doing the job for which you were hired. This letter is one. Another is the April 15 Tax Day Tea Party that is being held nationwide.

These instructions are provided to help you make the tea bag protest a successful one. We also removed the metal staples from our tea bags, and also dried them out completely. Our post office clerk told me that one lady had actually tried to send a wet teabag . . . obviously that didn't work, but I fully understand her reasoning!

See you at the tea party!

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