Friday, May 29, 2009

Weekend Humor Returns . . . SMILE!


In Case You Didn’t Know What This Is . . .

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Journey From There To Here


Everyone I talk to all ask the same question; “How did we get here?”

We got here by our own volition – aka APATHY!

Meaning that “We The People” just became indifferent to the world of our own government around us. “We The People” just ignored our government, “We The People” just let government loose to take care of and run itself – you know, you have heard the words before; “Let it run on autopilot.”

Yet we just don’t know how we let government loose, we have all of a sudden discovered that we are now under governments thumb and we don’t like the feeling. If we don’t know the how then we can’t know how to fix it. And fix it we must, before it becomes so broken we are completely lost to all eternity.

Here is how it happened. “We The People” began to believe that since we had the Bill Of Rights in our Constitution, then Government would run itself without our help. After all, we were the only country with a bill of rights. With the bill of rights in place nothing bad could happen to us. We were protected.

Then after WW2 we were told that with our freedom of the press, and that new thing that was all the rage – Television – no one like Adolf Hitler could ever take power in our country. We were thrice protected by the bill of rights, freedom of the press and television so we never had to worry about anything. We were protected.

Even though Joseph Stalin had a death grip on the Soviet Union with his Iron Curtain and Mao Tse Tung had the Bamboo Curtain wrapped ever so tightly around China, we did not have to worry because that was their problem. We were protected.

Then when Fidel Castro grabbed Cuba by the short hairs, we did not have to worry because that was not our problem. We were protected.

However when Camelot came crashing down with the sound of three distinct gunshots destroying our quiet Friday in Dallas, suddenly we felt naked and unprotected! We screamed for our government to protect us, to keep us from the resident evil that had somehow rose up and destroyed our comfort and happiness. So government did as “We The People” bid it. Government said evil was in Southeast Asia and we needed to send our military there to chase evil back to China. Government didn’t tell us the truth, but we wanted to feel protected again so we ignored the lies of government.

Then government told us that we needed to legalize abortions so that a woman could have the right to choose to have or have not a baby, that abortion was not lowering our reverence for the sanctity of life but raising it instead. We wanted to feel protected and have freedom, so we believed that lie as well.

Then government told us that we needed to ban certain guns, to do so would not infringe the second amendment in our bill of rights. So we ignored another lie from our government because we wanted to feel protected again.

Then our government told us that we needed to pay those who were less fortunate than we a stipend called welfare because if we didn’t we would be stingy and mean, and we didn’t want to be that so we believed that lie from our government instead of helping those less fortunate find work.

How did we get from there to here? We got here by believing the lies that our government told us because we fell into the trap of feeling insecure and unprotected when Camelot crashed to the ground that nice sunny Friday in Dallas.

We believed the lie that it was not going to lessen our belief in the sanctity of life by killing the unborn for no other reason than a woman did not want to have the baby she was carrying, even though we now have so many ways to prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

We believed the lie that gun control laws do not infringe upon our right to own and bear firearms, even though the meaning of the word infringe was actually trashed in the fog of those laws.

We got here by believing the lies that were told to us by those in government who did not and do not have our best interests in mind – only their own insatiable greed for power and money.

Really, you ask? If you choose not to believe me – and there is no reason that you should believe me – answer this question;

If Jose cannot earn enough money to feed and house and clothe his family south of the border, then where is he going to get the $1,500.00 to $3,000.00 per person to pay Wiley Coyote to sneak him north of the border?

Answer; by agreeing to carry Pedro the drug dealer’s drugs across the border for him, that’s where!

Which of course brings up another question; If our government is willing to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to give to wall street fat cats, but balks at five hundred million dollars to secure our southern borders to prevent illegal aliens from sneaking into this country . . . . . Who else is Pedro the drug dealer paying?

Just how much longer are “We The People” going to accept the continuous stream of lies that those in government are feeding us?

Do those lies make you feel protected? Do they make you feel secure?

Here is one last question you need to answer; during his campaign for the Presidency, our currant President stated more than once that he believed that this nation was the greatest nation on earth and that he wanted our help in assisting him to change it.

If this is the greatest nation on earth, then why change it?

We got here by believing those lies.

Now just when will “We The People” stop believing those lies and return to the responsibility of managing our government as our forefathers meant us to do?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mister President Barack Hussein Obama . . . You Owe “WE THE PEOPLE” An Apology!




1. The American Cemetery at Aisne-Marne, France. A total of 2289 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 1

2. The American Cemetery at Ardennes, Belgium. A total of 5329 of our dead.

Cemetary - 2

3. The American Cemetery at Brittany, France. A total of 4410 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 3

4. Brookwood, England American Cemetery. A total of 468 of our dead.

Cemetary - 4

5. Cambridge, England. 3812 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 5

6. Epinal, France American Cemetery. A total of 5525 of our Military dead.

Cemetary - 6

7. Flanders Field, Belgium. A total of 368 of our military.

Cemetary - 7

8. Florence, Italy. A total of 4402 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 8

9. Henri-Chapelle, Belgium. A total of 7992 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 9

10. Lorraine, France. A total of 10,489 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 10

11. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. A total of 5076 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 11

12. Meuse-Argonne. A total of 14246 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 12

13. Netherlands, Netherlands. A total of 8301 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 13

14. Normandy, France. A total of 9387 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 14

15. Oise-Aisne, France. A total of 6012 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 15 

16. Rhone, France. A total of 861 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 16

17. Sicily, Italy. A total of 7861 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 17

18. Somme, France. A total of 1844 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 18

19. St. Mihiel, France. A total of 4153 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 19 

20. Suresnes, France. a total of 1541 of our military dead.

Cemetary - 20


Apologize to no one. Remind those of our sacrifice and don't confuse arrogance with leadership.

If I added correctly the count is 104,366 dead.

And we have to watch an American elected leader who apologizes to Europe and the Middle East that our country is "arrogant"!  HOW MANY FRENCH, DUTCH, ITALIANS, BELGIANS AND BRITS ARE BURIED ON OUR SOIL, DEFENDING US AGAINST OUR ENEMIES?? WE DON'T ASK FOR PRAISE ... BUT WE HAVE ABSOULUTELY NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE!!

Now Mister President Barack Hussein Obama I want YOU to go on national television at prime time and APOLOGIZE to each and every AMERICAN CITIZEN for YOUR IGNORANT ARROGANCE to “WE THE PEOPLE” and those in the armed forces who continue to give us our FREEDOM!


Gerald Allen Rowe GYSGT USMC (ret)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I am baaaaack!

Well, hiatus was good. Hot, but good. I will post a new article on Monday the 25th of May 2009 - aka Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hiatus for the next two weeks

I will be out of the area and without internet access for the next two weeks or so.

Should be back around the 26th of May.

See you then.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

If You Won’t Stand Up For Your Freedom . . . . . Continued.

Does it surprise you that the Speaker of the House stated that she believes that those who participated in the April 15th Tax Day Tea Party were nothing but a bunch of lemmings led around by the Republican Party? It doesn’t surprise me one bit.

The level of arrogant hypocrisy in Washington DC is nothing short of sickening to me. From our President exhibiting the lowest level of disrespect toward the American people who do not see things as he wants them to is appalling to me. As a matter of fact, that singular act of arrogant disrespect by him making that often seen snidely comment about “A few people waving tea bags around” sort of has me concerned – and not just a little bit either.

I have stated in my bio that I have traveled around this world to many countries. During that time in my life I chose to observe the citizens of those countries and how they reacted to their respective governments. I was especially interested in their law enforcement officials for obvious reasons. My personal observations are not to be considered anything close to a scientific study by any means. However, I have come away with a very healthy respect for how things are handled here in the USA vs how things are handled elsewhere. Up until recently I can say that our government has treated the U.S. Citizen (including the common criminal, even though you may disagree) with dignity and respect. I have observed that dignity and respect go out the window with our currant President and Congress.

What has been happening at an alarming rate has been an onslaught of legislation whose hidden aim has been nothing less than the complete subjugation of the American Citizen.

From the bill on mandatory volunteerism, the bill on even more gun control, the card check bill, the hidden agenda in the “spendulas” bill for national health care, and now the proposal for total government control of the internet. Shall I name the rights that are being removed by these bills? Okay, here are just a few;

  1. The Internet control bill – The first amendment freedom of speech.
  2. Gun control – The second amendment right to not have the right to own and bear firearms infringed.
  3. Mandatory volunteerism – The thirteenth amendment which is the right to not be drawn into involuntary servitude (aka slavery).

Up until now, we have had the right to choose our own health care according to what we may afford. We have been able to reap what we have sown so to speak. Now it is being proposed that we will have to pay for those who either have not worked for their own benefits, or who have entered this country illegally, along with those who refuse to help themselves.

On top of everything else, those of us who have worn the uniform and have fought for your and our freedom, are now considered by the ridiculous Dept. of Homeland Security to be susceptible to terrorist recruitment because we may be a little bit disgruntled. The current head of DHS states that she believes this is a correct assumption because of Timothy McVeigh who bombed the Oklahoma City Government building because he was furious about what happened at the David Koresh compound earlier. Now that is an intelligent assumption . . . right? WRONG!

If you are not angry about the level of arrogant disrespect and hypocrisy aimed at you, the average American Citizen, by now . . . . . Then you need to seriously think about and take a very hard look at what is happening right under your nose each and every day by those who we have elected to serve in our government.


If they did, they would not be trying so desperately to take away your freedoms and your rights that were guaranteed to all of us under the Constitution. The reason they are doing this is that they are afraid of you, and they want you to be afraid of them.

We are about to become a nation under tyranny. And it is coming a lot sooner than you may think!



Please stay tuned . . . There is more – MUCH MORE – to come in the following weeks and days . . . . . clock Because time is running out on your freedom!

Monday, May 4, 2009

If You Won’t Stand Up For Your Freedom . . . . .


Lets face it, apathy is the killer of freedom! No doubt about it. For those of us who have actually donned the uniform, taken the training and fought for freedom, believe in this country with all our heart. We have a real problem with those who seem to be in it only for what it can do for them. But that is the way it seems to be nowadays, this seems to be the era of take whatever you can get away with and never look back. But does it leave you with satisfaction and a liking of the person that you see in the mirror?

We all need to figure out just what it is in life that we not only want, but what it is that we truly need. There is a vast difference between a want and a need, and when we are able to bring the two together to form one, then we really know what it is all about.

There was a country song not long ago that said something like “If you don’t stand for something, then you will fall for anything”. How true that is. Just take a good look around you, not at the things, but look at the people. Listen to what they are saying, how they are saying it, and the way that they carry themselves. Do this in restaurants, while shopping for essentials, at sporting events, and entertainment centers. After a while you will begin to see what it is that I have been seeing for decades.

I have spent my entire adult life in law enforcement in one form or another. I have also been a firefighter, an EMT and ambulance driver. I have been looking at people really hard for my entire adult life. In my line of work we develop an ability to read people, their body language, facial expressions, and their tone of voice. That is one reason why I have always said that actions speak louder than words, that I will always measure a man by his actions rather than what he says. And the great majority of Americans today do not look at others for what they actually do, they just listen to what a person says. Then they are really surprised when the truth comes out in the end about someone.

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people say that the person that was just arrested for some crime or another, “I would have never guessed it, he was such a nice man. Always kept to himself and never gave anyone a problem, was always smiling and cordial.” Yet little did they know that the person they thought they knew so well was hiding a dark secret life of a criminal. Even the most evil of people, child molesters, rapists, and serial killers evoke absolute surprise from their family and neighbors when they are eventually caught. Why is this? Because people in general do not observe the actions of others, most merely listen to what a person says and nothing else. We are too wrapped up in our own little microcosm of existence to pay attention of anything else other than what it is that we think we want and need. And that my friends is the definition of apathy, the very same apathy that we have exhibited in our political lives as well. That apathy is what has put us all in the situation that we now find ourselves, the situation of standing on the precipice of losing our precious freedom forever.

Yes, I know that there has always been a select few who pay attention to what is going on politically in our country, but those few are getting fewer by the minute. We have been expertly cushioned and spoon fed the idea that we actually need to control those law abiding people who own firearms and leave the criminals up to the police – even though armed criminals outnumber police by almost a thousand to one. We have been led to believe that it is perfectly alright for a woman to get an abortion for no other reason than she does not want to have the baby she is carrying – to ignore the fact that there are so many methods of preventing pregnancies that are now available aborting is almost never actually needed. We have been led to believe that when a person feels useless, or that if that person is diagnosed with a debilitating disease in some form or another that it is perfectly normal to end that persons life – yet today there are so many of us who are living more than a normal life with these malady’s due to all the scientific and medical breakthroughs that are happening almost on a daily basis.

We are coerced into believing that we need to pay out more in taxes so that the poor and needy can get the health care, can get food stamps to feed themselves, welfare to house and clothe themselves or we should all feel guilty that we did not do enough for those less fortunate than us – to ignore the fact that those folks could actually go out and get a job and work for what they need and want, just like the rest of us, that people do not need hand outs forever, just a hand once in a while.

We are now conned into believing that just what a person thinks is a crime, that if a person robs another person the law must take into account if the victim has a different sexual lifestyle, is of different skin pigmentation, or of a single particular religion, then the crime of robbing that person should now be elevated to a “hate” crime and the punishment is increased based on the above criteria.

The level of our political con continues to increase, ad infinitum. And it will continue at a breakneck speed unless we shed ourselves of this poisonous apathy and begin to look around us and take control of this out of control government that we have turned loose upon ourselves.

It all boils down to one simple thing;

If you will not stand up for your freedom, then you are destined to fall into the pit of tyranny forever!

To be continued . . . . .

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Series To Begin On Monday, 4 May 2009

smile_secret          smile_secret          hug_dude       guy_handsacrossamerica       clap     smile_secret         smile_secret

I am beginning a new series on our currant political situation, how we got there and what we can do to get us out of it.

clap       clap          fingerscrossed      rainbow     fingerscrossed        clap   clap

Remember, I am not a philosopher per se, but just a guy with some ideas of what is going on and what we could do about it.  So my thoughts are somewhat brief, to the point, and without a whole lot of explanation.  I tend to leave the deep thinking to those more qualified for that sort of thing than I am.

star                                   star                                         star

Friday, May 1, 2009

Weekend Humor Returns . . .