Monday, May 4, 2009

If You Won’t Stand Up For Your Freedom . . . . .


Lets face it, apathy is the killer of freedom! No doubt about it. For those of us who have actually donned the uniform, taken the training and fought for freedom, believe in this country with all our heart. We have a real problem with those who seem to be in it only for what it can do for them. But that is the way it seems to be nowadays, this seems to be the era of take whatever you can get away with and never look back. But does it leave you with satisfaction and a liking of the person that you see in the mirror?

We all need to figure out just what it is in life that we not only want, but what it is that we truly need. There is a vast difference between a want and a need, and when we are able to bring the two together to form one, then we really know what it is all about.

There was a country song not long ago that said something like “If you don’t stand for something, then you will fall for anything”. How true that is. Just take a good look around you, not at the things, but look at the people. Listen to what they are saying, how they are saying it, and the way that they carry themselves. Do this in restaurants, while shopping for essentials, at sporting events, and entertainment centers. After a while you will begin to see what it is that I have been seeing for decades.

I have spent my entire adult life in law enforcement in one form or another. I have also been a firefighter, an EMT and ambulance driver. I have been looking at people really hard for my entire adult life. In my line of work we develop an ability to read people, their body language, facial expressions, and their tone of voice. That is one reason why I have always said that actions speak louder than words, that I will always measure a man by his actions rather than what he says. And the great majority of Americans today do not look at others for what they actually do, they just listen to what a person says. Then they are really surprised when the truth comes out in the end about someone.

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people say that the person that was just arrested for some crime or another, “I would have never guessed it, he was such a nice man. Always kept to himself and never gave anyone a problem, was always smiling and cordial.” Yet little did they know that the person they thought they knew so well was hiding a dark secret life of a criminal. Even the most evil of people, child molesters, rapists, and serial killers evoke absolute surprise from their family and neighbors when they are eventually caught. Why is this? Because people in general do not observe the actions of others, most merely listen to what a person says and nothing else. We are too wrapped up in our own little microcosm of existence to pay attention of anything else other than what it is that we think we want and need. And that my friends is the definition of apathy, the very same apathy that we have exhibited in our political lives as well. That apathy is what has put us all in the situation that we now find ourselves, the situation of standing on the precipice of losing our precious freedom forever.

Yes, I know that there has always been a select few who pay attention to what is going on politically in our country, but those few are getting fewer by the minute. We have been expertly cushioned and spoon fed the idea that we actually need to control those law abiding people who own firearms and leave the criminals up to the police – even though armed criminals outnumber police by almost a thousand to one. We have been led to believe that it is perfectly alright for a woman to get an abortion for no other reason than she does not want to have the baby she is carrying – to ignore the fact that there are so many methods of preventing pregnancies that are now available aborting is almost never actually needed. We have been led to believe that when a person feels useless, or that if that person is diagnosed with a debilitating disease in some form or another that it is perfectly normal to end that persons life – yet today there are so many of us who are living more than a normal life with these malady’s due to all the scientific and medical breakthroughs that are happening almost on a daily basis.

We are coerced into believing that we need to pay out more in taxes so that the poor and needy can get the health care, can get food stamps to feed themselves, welfare to house and clothe themselves or we should all feel guilty that we did not do enough for those less fortunate than us – to ignore the fact that those folks could actually go out and get a job and work for what they need and want, just like the rest of us, that people do not need hand outs forever, just a hand once in a while.

We are now conned into believing that just what a person thinks is a crime, that if a person robs another person the law must take into account if the victim has a different sexual lifestyle, is of different skin pigmentation, or of a single particular religion, then the crime of robbing that person should now be elevated to a “hate” crime and the punishment is increased based on the above criteria.

The level of our political con continues to increase, ad infinitum. And it will continue at a breakneck speed unless we shed ourselves of this poisonous apathy and begin to look around us and take control of this out of control government that we have turned loose upon ourselves.

It all boils down to one simple thing;

If you will not stand up for your freedom, then you are destined to fall into the pit of tyranny forever!

To be continued . . . . .


Mad Mom said...

Amen, GA! One of my favorite quotes:

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams, 1722 - 1803

Let's set some brush fires!

Hulagu Khan said...

Not a philosopher you say, you could of fooled me with what you just said above. I look at it this way, if me and mine can't live as free people then death is not a punishment.

esomhillgazette said...

That was a great post Rowe. You're getting better and better at this and I like what I'm reading. Agree 100%!

undertaker said...

America! Wake up and smell the chains!