Wednesday, May 6, 2009

If You Won’t Stand Up For Your Freedom . . . . . Continued.

Does it surprise you that the Speaker of the House stated that she believes that those who participated in the April 15th Tax Day Tea Party were nothing but a bunch of lemmings led around by the Republican Party? It doesn’t surprise me one bit.

The level of arrogant hypocrisy in Washington DC is nothing short of sickening to me. From our President exhibiting the lowest level of disrespect toward the American people who do not see things as he wants them to is appalling to me. As a matter of fact, that singular act of arrogant disrespect by him making that often seen snidely comment about “A few people waving tea bags around” sort of has me concerned – and not just a little bit either.

I have stated in my bio that I have traveled around this world to many countries. During that time in my life I chose to observe the citizens of those countries and how they reacted to their respective governments. I was especially interested in their law enforcement officials for obvious reasons. My personal observations are not to be considered anything close to a scientific study by any means. However, I have come away with a very healthy respect for how things are handled here in the USA vs how things are handled elsewhere. Up until recently I can say that our government has treated the U.S. Citizen (including the common criminal, even though you may disagree) with dignity and respect. I have observed that dignity and respect go out the window with our currant President and Congress.

What has been happening at an alarming rate has been an onslaught of legislation whose hidden aim has been nothing less than the complete subjugation of the American Citizen.

From the bill on mandatory volunteerism, the bill on even more gun control, the card check bill, the hidden agenda in the “spendulas” bill for national health care, and now the proposal for total government control of the internet. Shall I name the rights that are being removed by these bills? Okay, here are just a few;

  1. The Internet control bill – The first amendment freedom of speech.
  2. Gun control – The second amendment right to not have the right to own and bear firearms infringed.
  3. Mandatory volunteerism – The thirteenth amendment which is the right to not be drawn into involuntary servitude (aka slavery).

Up until now, we have had the right to choose our own health care according to what we may afford. We have been able to reap what we have sown so to speak. Now it is being proposed that we will have to pay for those who either have not worked for their own benefits, or who have entered this country illegally, along with those who refuse to help themselves.

On top of everything else, those of us who have worn the uniform and have fought for your and our freedom, are now considered by the ridiculous Dept. of Homeland Security to be susceptible to terrorist recruitment because we may be a little bit disgruntled. The current head of DHS states that she believes this is a correct assumption because of Timothy McVeigh who bombed the Oklahoma City Government building because he was furious about what happened at the David Koresh compound earlier. Now that is an intelligent assumption . . . right? WRONG!

If you are not angry about the level of arrogant disrespect and hypocrisy aimed at you, the average American Citizen, by now . . . . . Then you need to seriously think about and take a very hard look at what is happening right under your nose each and every day by those who we have elected to serve in our government.


If they did, they would not be trying so desperately to take away your freedoms and your rights that were guaranteed to all of us under the Constitution. The reason they are doing this is that they are afraid of you, and they want you to be afraid of them.

We are about to become a nation under tyranny. And it is coming a lot sooner than you may think!



Please stay tuned . . . There is more – MUCH MORE – to come in the following weeks and days . . . . . clock Because time is running out on your freedom!


esomhillgazette said...

Another good post. I am really enjoying this series!

Anonymous said...

Good post. I've always thought until recently that the only thing you can do is vote and hope for the best. It's good to have people like you out there showing the rest of us that we can do and must do much more.

undertaker said...

I am becoming more furious with each passing day. I look at people going about their business "as usual" and I visualize them with two nose rings, one labeled "CNN" and one labeled "American Idol". I also envision them with two tattoos. One that says "brain dead" and the other that says "enter FEMA number here". FOLKS, HE IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO RESIDE IN GOVERNMENT HOUSING AT OUR EXPENSE!

undertaker said...

Here is how we sum it all up!

"How fortunate for governments that the people they govern don't think." -- Adolph Hitler

undertaker said...

Maybe we need to get a little more vociferous here.

Mr. and Mrs. Wee Bee Apathetic proudly announced the birth of triplets, which were born "about a month or two ago" according to their neighbors, who declined to be identified.

Mrs. Apathetic said the triplets were a product of artificial insemination, since "we are so busy with watching reruns of 'bowling for dollars' and 'American Idol', we just don't have time to get involved with each other too much.

According to neighbors, who still wish to remain anonymous, "Mr. and Mrs Apathetic have named the triplets, Ida No, Beats Me, and Hoo Cares."

When asked about the sex of the triplets, Mr. Apathetic replied, "We haven't gotten around to it yet."

Mrs Apathetic chimed in and said, "We were thinking that one of the boys might want to be a heterosexual, but we don't approve of that 'off the wall stuff'. Maybe the other boy might want to be homosexual. Of course, the girl might change her mind and just be a plain garden variety transvestite."
Mr. Apathetic said, "We'll let you know when we find the 8-ball".

When asked to elaborate, Mr. Apathetic said, "Well, we have this black ball that has a window on it, and when we get around to making a decision, we just shake it and set it on the table in the kitchen. In the next couple of days or so, one of us might go by and check it to see if there is an answer for us."

When asked how that 'system' works, Mrs Apathetic said, "Oh, it is probably pretty good. But, by the time we get around to seeing the answer, we have forgotten the question".

When asked how they thought the new resident of the White House was doing, Mr. Apathetic said, "He is doing a good job". I got another six months of unemployment benefits!"

Mrs. Apathetic interrupted and said, "I agree. It will be great to have the kids out of our hair and in uniforms when they go off to kindergarten to learn about sex. That's just more stuff we don't have to worry about."

When asked about how they thought the new resident of the White House was handling the economy and Stimulus projects, Mr. Apathetic said, "Man, that is the best part! Why just about a mile out of town, they have this great new camp being renovated. It is real secure with the fences and all. They must be going to bake some really good stuff there, because they have all these ovens and big gas pipes that go into the side of the kitchen. And it will bring a lot of money to the town, because they have these railroad cars lined up and everything. Yep, he is doing a great job! He thought of everything. I wish I had a camp like that when I was growing up!"

When asked how they thought the new resident of the White House was doing in International Affairs, Mr. Apathetic said, "Hey, its none of our business if he wants to get a little on the side." Mrs. Apathetic agreed, and said, "If he wants to bend over and take it from the Saudis or the Iranians, that's his business."

When we asked Mr. and Mrs. Apathetic what they thought of the Illegal Alien problem, Mr. Apathetic said, "We know there is something going on at Area 51, and Roswell, New Mexico, but we don't have the time to get involved in looking all that stuff up."

With that, we bid the Apathetic couple good bye.