Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just a little bit different . . .

These things have been in the news as of late;

Farmers in India have asked their unmarried daughters to plow their fields in the nude in order that the rain gods would see them and be enticed to make it rain so that they may have a bumper crop this year . . . I just wonder what kind of a “crop” those farmers are looking for!?

There’s this guy in Ohio who transformed an old church into a workout center that he has named “Faith Gym” . . . However he has the main workout area designed in a Superman motif. Oh yeah.

Forty years after receiving his c-ration pound cake, a retiring Army Colonel opened the can and began consuming it. He said it tasted just as good as it did forty years ago . . . Now THAT’S something these so-called modern day soldiers can’t brag about with their tasty new MRE’s!

In Tokyo Japan the railroad workers who have to deal with the public MUST pass the “Smile Test” each and every day before they are allowed to go to their jobs . . . Now that’s something that I would like to see here in the States!

The recent visit of the Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile to the State of Hawaii was not a good thing, according to one group of law watchdogs . . . It seems that vehicular advertising is not allowed in the Aloha State.

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