Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is just one movie worth watching!

This is a long one, almost two hours long, but I believe that it is worth taking the time to watch!


I do not consider myself a conspiracy theory advocate, however, this video brings some actions of our currant and past Presidents into a glaring new light.

But then, there are other parts of this video that make you want to go hmmmm?

I suggest that you set a couple of hours aside from your busy day and watch this in its entirety and decide for yourself.


undertaker said...

With the world population projected to go to 9 Billion from 6 Billion over the next forty years, it is the strategic jockeying for the decreasing resources of arable land and water that will drive competition. Add to that the competition for petroleum and you have a formula for disaster on a Biblical scale. (When people are starving they get a bit cranky, but when they thirst, they get down right nasty.) Watch for a choke hold on water to develop soon.

The problem of the illegal aliens of today in the Southern states is nothing compared to what we will see in just a few years.

Those who want the US to be a docile, compliant, subservient nation of socialists, had better get a grip on the power of patriotism. There are those who will not go quietly.

G.A.Rowe said...

Undertaker . . . You and I are two who will not go quietly into the night . . .

The problem with water can be solved very easily with nuclear powered desalinization plants all along our sea costs - Incidentally, that is why Iran wants to develop nuclear energy plants (a by product of their weapons development program).

No surprise to me!

undertaker said...

I agree. The problem with the current administration is their modus operandi. The looming water crisis has been well publicized, yet with the trillions in stimulus, nothing has been done to address it, or the infrastructure. In addition, the nuclear power issue is being ignored by them. They want to tout solar, wind, and bio-fuels instead - not particularly brilliant in my book.
The Army Corps of engineers controls the water. So, it appears they could scream "crisis" and we would be off to the "debt races" again.