Monday, July 13, 2009

Obamacare is cause for real concern to the elderly – for no one knows at which age one would be considered elderly . . . . .


During the entire two years that Barack Hussein Obama campaigned for the U. S. Presidency he had been touting that there was a health care crisis in this country.

That was and still is an outright lie.

This country has almost 300 million people in its population and well over three quarters of the population is covered by some kind of health care plan. That is well over 250 million people out of 300 million, which leaves much less that 50 million uncovered by any health care plan. I don’t know about you, but that does not look like any kind of a crisis to me.

However, at the rate of the “stimulus” bailout and cap-&-trade caused job losses we just may be heading for much more of the population losing their health care coverage than we would have if government would have kept their hands out of private businesses. But that is an item for future articles.

Here is the ugly truth about “Obamacare” in all its glory . . . ;


Do you understand that?


Someone has to pay for it. Pure and simple. Someone has to pay for your so-called “free” healthcare. Nothing that government gives you is free because government has taken something from someone else to pay for what government has given you.

I really do hope that you understand that. It is extremely important that you understand that. As a matter of fact your very life depends on you understanding that.

Here’s why: The great majority of this country’s population just happens to be the so-called “Baby-Boomer” generation. That means that we were born just after or during WW2. We are rapidly becoming the Senior Citizens of America – in other words we are now retiring at an ever increasing rapid rate, which means that our income tax contributions are dwindling and our Medicare costs are rising along with our increasing Social Security payments.

Do you get that? We “Baby-Boomers” are no longer paying for Social Security – Social Security is now starting to pay US!

So just who do you think is going to pay for “Obamacare”?

Have you heard the talk about how Obamacare is going to be distributed? Did you know that in Obamacare life isn’t going to be so precious anymore once you get past a certain age? That is right, folks, only our wonderful Obamacare bureaucrats have not yet figured out at just what age that might be. I hear that the age of 70 or maybe 75 just might be the age at which “free” Obamacare will be cut off. If you don’t believe that, then just do some little research on your own and google the speech that Obama made fairly recently in which he stated that the elderly will just have to admit that all the aches and pains of growing old will just have to be tolerated without a doctor tending to them.

Heartwarming thought, isn’t it?

Your Messiah really does care about you, well, at least until you are “no longer a productive member of society” at which point you might as well die.

Soylent Green, anyone?

Or, you just might Google “Logan’s Run” . . .

Does anyone remember that little fubar about having our wounded veterans find their own secondary insurance a short while back? Did you really believe that he was actually serious about that? I didn’t. I knew that it was just a trial balloon to see what we all thought of our veterans getting healthcare benefits for life for serving our country for 20 or 30 years and surviving any wars that just happened to be around during our tenure of service. I just happened to remember another Democrat President by the name of Jimmy Carter that declared that all military retirees who lived long enough to draw Social Security and any other retirement benefits were “Double Dipping” and shouldn’t get either their Social Security or military retirement checks, even though they had actually EARNED them! I think that Obama is starting to sneak that sort of thing into his Obamacare Plan that is now up for discussion and will be up for a vote pretty darn soon – maybe during the Sotomayor confirmation hearings that all the news media will be concentrating on very loudly in order that “We The People” will not be paying attention to what they are doing behind our backs right under our collective noses!

Remember what I said about government taking from someone else before it can give anything to anyone?

We Baby-Boomers have been paying for every social program that the government has instituted ever since we began entering the workforce way back in the 1960’s. Even those of us who have never served in the military have been paying.

Now we are going to pay for the younger generations Obamacare. How? With diminished and denied Medicare and Social Security. How do I know this?


Oh, and here’s a thought for you younger generations . . . Who will pay for Obamacare after all of us WW2 Baby-Boomers are gone?

Times are hard, folks, and during hard times we all must make some pretty tough decisions. Nothing comes easy, especially during hard times.

We are just going to have to make the tough decision that we do not want all those social programs that the Messiah promised during his two year campaign for the Presidency.

If we take the easy way out, we are going to have a train wreck like the world has never seen before. If you think times are hard now, just you wait till Obama gets all of his wishes and we all are on the government dole, begging each and every month for our little portion of his brand of “Soylent Green” . . . . .

Or lining up to enter the arena to watch the end flight of blazing glory for all those who have finally reached the age of no longer being productive members of society . . .

Isn’t the thought of Obamacare just wonderful?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obamacare will be a disaster for the country. I know the nature of people is to run hard to get anything that is free they don't realize or care who is going to pay for it.