Monday, March 30, 2009

If yesterday's post didn't bother you, THIS SHOULD!

Again click on the title to this post . . .

The author of this video that I found on You Tube put in the background music and some written information during the first part of it. It explains who these kids are, where they are at, and who put them up to it.

Your educational tax dollars at work, my friends!

I just don't know why the MSM hasn't asked any questions about any of this! Why did I find this buried in a You Tube file? Is this what is meant by "Mandatory Volunteerism"?

This sure looks like Hitler Youth to me!

1 comment:

esomhillgazette said...

This has to be just a bad dream! I can't believe (yes I can) this latest BAD idea. This Obama is not only a fool, but a dangerous fool as well. And his target now is not just us, but our CHILDREN!