Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Part Two

Okay! After what I wrote yesterday, this should be simple. Not! Getting rid of political parties and scrapping the IRS codes and replacing them with as close to a fair way to tax and finance our government is only the beginning.
The next thing on this agenda is to limit what our politicians can reap from what we sow. We need to put the political pay scale on the same level as the federally mandated minimum wage, and not one penny more! This is to ensure that one enters the political ring for the purpose of serving the greater good of all U.S. citizens and not for the express purpose of personal monetary gain. We must not forget that congressional offices cost money to run, and that could be handled by a separate Office of Congressional Management and Budget. This is to ensure that our tax money is not wasted on garbage junkets and the like. More positive control over our government would be the end result. Senators and members of the House would have to submit a detailed budget to this office on an annual basis, and have to justify the expenses – Kind of like what we have to do now with the IRS.
Then we must require that all federal employees – including politicians – pay into and benefit from our Social Security System. No more PERS or FERS. They would reap the same retirement benefits as do all of us. If they want more, then they can build a retirement nest egg just like we ordinary folks do. I believe that we all should live entirely within our means, that reckless extravagance should not be rewarded as it is now in our currant political system. If we want more, then we should work more to get more, and that we should be able to keep more of what we work for. What is good for the ordinary citizen should be just fine for the politician. That way the politician does not lose the feeling of what we ordinary folks are and how we live. If they want it better for themselves, then they have to figure out how to make it better for all of us.
So here we are; first scrap the IRS and replace it with a flat rate tax for all. Second; Place the Federal pay scale to the minimum wage and put tight controls on how our tax money is used by the individual politician, include the political retirement plan in the Social Security System. Remember that Social Security was only intended to be a supplement to our own retirement investment plans, not the only retirement income we have.
Come back tomorrow to see what is next.