Monday, March 16, 2009

Part One

Here it is. The year is 2009. Our political system is still basically stuck in 1776! But wait . . . Our first President, George Washington, did not want political party’s influencing our government. Why? I believe he once wrote that he believed political parties would destroy our democracy. Really? You mean like what is happening now?

I agree. Our democracy is being slowly destroyed, inch by inch. I believe that a candidate might tell us during the campaign what ever he or she thinks we want to hear, then once elected to office that candidate will follow the lines dictated by the party they belong to. Why? Because campaigning has become so expensive in this modern era that every candidate has to accept the vast amounts of money that their respective political party’s rake in. Once you do that, you agree to follow the party “Platform” as they call it. That candidate is now bought and paid for, lock, stock and YOUR VOTE!

We the people have been continuously lied to for decades, if not centuries. This country, once a proud stalwart of Democracy and Freedom, is now slowly descending into the depths of Socialism all because the two main political parties that have control in Washington D.C. have lost their way. I do not know just when this all started, nor will I speculate as to why they are doing what they are doing. All I am saying that it is high time for a drastic change to our Constitution, to bring it into the 21st Century, kicking and screaming if we have to.

The first step is to do what our first President really wanted us to do. Abolish all political parties from this country, a task easier said than done that will take a Constitutional amendment. That will be a very big step, seemingly impossible to accomplish. But it can be done, only if we the people step up to the plate and demand that it be done our way!

Remember that this is only the first step, and along with this first step we need to insure our own survival along with that of our country. How? By revamping how our government is financed and by whom it is financed. Global free trade is coming whether we like it or not, so eventually tariffs and the like will be going by the wayside. That cannot be stopped because most of the rest of the Nations on this planet want it. Then what are we to do? Still another part of this Constitutional amendment will have to deal with that issue, or it can be an amendment of its own. Either way we have to scrap the Internal Revenue code altogether and replace it with a flat rate earnings tax, of say 10%. I believe that this is the only way this can work. No tax shelters of any kind, no deductions of any kind, no exemptions of any kind. Earn a dollar – pay a dime. Businesses and individuals alike, and absolutely no tax-free organizations what-so-ever! We all pay in, period.

There is no such thing as a fair tax. Nor will there ever be, just tax. If we all agree to one set limit, and no way out, that is about as close to fair as we can get. And we can do more, much more to insure that our tax money is used in the manner that it should be used. That will be the subject of tomorrow’s entry into this insane idea.

See Ya Then!