Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Political Shell (Shill) Game . . . . . ?

Are you really ready for this?  Senator Arlen Specter NOW wants to run for re-election as a DEMOCRAT . . . ? smile_whatchutalkingabout

All this is meant to just give him credibility and approval in his mind when he votes with all those Fasciolists from Obummers core group  of blind politicos in Congress thumbs_down and to break any filibuster that might happen . . . clock 

So, why am I not surprised at this move?  To figure that one out, just check out his voting record smile_confused

He is just like a trained little dog all bought and paid for by those smile_devil Fasciolists who are clap applauding his move. 

Well, have I got a sign for them . . . smile_angel


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey now….
What’s this then? I come back from a busy day, (or two, or three…) at the office and I find a link to my old buddy’s blog. Nice.

Between this and USWeapons site I am not gonna get any work done.

Nicely done my friend.

SFC Dick