Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who's talking to the man in the mirror, anybody in Congress?

Quite some time ago, a singer who became known as "The One Gloved Wonder" released a song entitled "The Man In The Mirror", in it the singer referred to his image in the mirror and that he was going to change his ways . . . Which brings me to what I am writing about this evening.

Yesterday I had to go to my dentist and have a root canal done. Not a pleasant thing to have done if anyone who has ever been there knows. While reclined in the chair waiting for the Novocain to take hold, the radio speaker in the ceiling that was tuned to a local radio station began playing Michael Jackson's "The Man In The Mirror", which I thought was odd for a country and western station. At the end of the song the DJ allowed the requester's voice to b heard. This anonymous lady wanted to dedicate the song to all our members in congress, and you know THAT brought a smile to my face. My dentist still hasn't figured out why a man who was waiting to get a root canal was smiling . . .

I am now asking the question of do our elected officials actually LIKE the person they see in the mirror in the morning? How can they?

Over the last thirty or so years, congress has done nothing but drill holes in the bottom of the ship, while the Presidents have been busy re-arranging the deck chairs in order for us passengers to be more comfortable when it finally does sink.

And what about the current administrations cabinet members? You know, the ones who have had a real problem in paying their taxes - at least until they got nominated for their cabinet post.

Nancy Pelosi, our esteemed speaker of the house who has demanded that the U.S.A.F. provide her with bigger and better aircraft to transport he and her cronies around the world in the lap of luxury. When that didn't happen, her husband provided her with one of his corporate jets - for which he was heavily reimbursed by the government. Our tax dollars at work.

Somehow I just can't seem to wrap my brain around the fact that almost all of the 535 combined members of Congress have no integrity what so ever. There has to be at least one of them who is honest, doesn't there?

I have looked even at Ron Paul, who some people in Texas (my brother included) think would have been a better pick to head the ship than Obama - that is until I remembered that there was a report that named all the porkers who contributed to the spendulas bill, and yep, his name was on it.

I, for one, think it is about time that those in Congress start plugging up these holes that they have been drilling, then throw the captain over board and find someone - or even a number of someone's - who can steer this ship away from iceberg ally.

They can start by distancing themselves from the failing political platforms built with the rotting planks of the political parties that they are beholden to.

I know from my 20 year experience in the USMC that a man who cannot stand on his own principles and integrity, cannot stand on anything!

You have to accept and like the man in the mirror that you see each and every morning or you are doomed to be a dismal failure.

The 535 members of this Titanic crew called the United States Congress are dismal failures.


undertaker said...

Yes, the USS Republic is taking on water rapidly. It has been purposely steered into a jagged "debtberg" and all hands have been helping themselves to the contents of the hold. Hopefully, the rightful owners of the USS Republic will board the floundering vessel and take it back. Then the captain and his mates should certainly be keelhauled, or made to walk the plank in shark infested waters. After that the holes in the hull can be plugged with integrity, patriotism, and truth.

Anonymous said...

One of the myths of government is that it's all incredibly complicated. Mere mortals could never handle the running of a country, so we must leave it up to the experts, the enlightened class--just trust us, they say.

I think perhaps it's time to elect some mere mortals.