Friday, April 17, 2009

The Tea Party I Attended - A Very Different Experiance, Indeed!

This post will have a lot of pictures, but you will have to wait for the video's - there are two of them, and I am currantly having issues with Windows Vista . . . again!

If you click on the photos, you can see the full size one. Enjoy!

I want the reader to pay very close attention to these photos and tomorrows videos. Look at the detail, look at the people, look at their signs. Everyone who's photo I took gave me verbal permission to post them online on this blog, I just wouldn't do it without their permission. Most asked me if I was a reporter, and of course I said no that I was a blogger and wanted to post the photo on my blog. They all agreed.

This was the sentiment of most folks here

Notice what I did? Do you see what I see? I will get back to those questions a little later in this post, but for now I want to address something else. I remember a while back when the MSM had extensive coverage of another protest that took place in California, Arizona and a lot of other places around the USA. It was called "A Day Without A Mexican". The MSM made no secret that this protest was about illegal aliens being deported for coming here illegally. They made a big deal about how these protests just "sprang up" on their own. Do you remember those demonstrations?

Now let me say something about the demeanor of these protesters that we were in the middle of. They were very upset at what our government is doing up there in DC. They were fed up with the garbage legislation, the slight of hand at removing our freedoms, the attempts at gun control, and many other things.

For all of the above, these were the nicest bunch of protesters that this ex-cop has ever seen in my entire life! They were considerate of the many elderly in our midst (many MUCH older than myself), they were considerate of our surroundings and made sure that there was no trash left on the ground, that nothing was damaged, and they even thanked the Lake Havasu City policemen that were assigned to crowd control. Yes, I seen that with my own two eyes, and heard it with even the one almost deaf ear that I have!


Extremists? You bet we are, we are EXTREMELY upset that our government not only does not listen to us, but that our government has now lumped us into the same category as the Islamic Extremists!

Right Wing? I don't think so. I found myself in the midst of Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, and Republicans.

And one lone Anarchist.

Is that you, Black Flag?

There were Christians . . .

And those who would speak for the unborn, who have no voice . . .

We walked across the London Bridge to the Island of Lake Havasu . . .

We had entertainment, speeches that reflected our sentiment, and all the while we remained peaceful but firm in our protest. We will not be defrayed!

Now to get back to the question at the beginning of this post . . .

Unlike the day without a mexican protest gatherings . . .

Our signs were all HAND MADE by the individual protesters themselves! This reflects, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we all think for ourselves!

No one tells us what to think or say, because we are all FREE Americans!

And we intend to stay that way!


Mad Mom said...

Absolutely true! Although there were 800 tea parties across the country, all set up by regular folks at a grassroots level, they were all very much the same. They were all full of respectful, concerned, hardworking Americans who love their country and, in many cases, came out to protest for the first time in their lives. Because they get it, and they have had enough.

Kathy said...

I asked those standing around me and not a one of us had every protested publicly before; a small sampling, I know, yet I bet it was true for most of the tea parties across the country. Yet so many of the media and even Nancy Pelosi tried to make this out as a push from big money? Huh? I did use my new tax break and buy the foam board and sticks for my that the big money they are talking about?

It was such an awesome event and I am so proud to have been a part of it. But, now the real work begins.....

esomhillgazette said...

I was unable to go to the Tea Party in Rome (the closest to me). But I watched the protests all day on Fox. I think it's a shame that all the Washington Politicians made the negative and dismissive comments, and outrageous that the MSM had the coverage stupidity that they did. I'm going to the next one if I have to lay out of work!